Monday, February 15, 2021

Embracing hope in uncertain times

Border Wall Grafitti

As 2021 opens, we continue to find ourselves in a season like no other. While we see hope in new vaccines to combat COVID-19, we also experience shocking new evidence of unrest and division in our nation and the world. This sets the stage for the season of Lent, a time to reflect on the promise of restoration that comes through Jesus Christ.

It is also traditionally the time of year we focus on One Great Hour of Sharing, which has brought hope to people around the world by supporting the work of Compassion, Peace & Justice (CPJ) ministries that help feed the hungry (Presbyterian Hunger Program), intervene in times of crisis (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance), and journey with those working to lift their communities (Self-Development of People). Read on to learn more about One Great Hour of Sharing along with these and other CPJ ministries.  

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Jimmie Hawkins
A sharper focus on Presbyterian advocacy

Late last year, due to some personnel changes and economic realities of the COVID-19 era, the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and the Office of Public Witness in Washington D.C. combined as a single advocacy office.

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CPJ Training Days 2021
Don’t miss CPJ Training Days in April!

CPJ Day has become a three-day virtual event for 2021, giving even more people a chance to learn and connect with the Compassion, Peace & Justice ministries of the PC(USA) and fellow Presbyterians working for justice.

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Deadline to order Eco-Palms is March 5
Eco Palms

In 2020, more than 1,000 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations ordered Eco-Palms, an environmentally friendly product that benefits communities in Guatemala. The Presbyterian Hunger Program hopes demand will be strong this year, too.

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pda blue t-shirts
Celebrate Blue Shirt Sunday with blue shirt selfies

The first Sunday in Lent (February 21) is “Wear your blue t-shirt to church Sunday” as a testament of one of the ways One Great Hour of Sharing makes a difference through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. In 2021, Blue Shirt Sunday looks a little different.

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Campamento El Guacio in western Puerto cross
Peacemaking Program offering travel study opportunities in 2021 and 2022

Travel study seminars through the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program are expected to resume this year following a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first stops are Puerto Rico and Native lands of the Southwestern United States.

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See how SDOP is helping workers weather the pandemic in Ohio
SDOP 50 years logo

Watch this video featuring Mid-Ohio Workers Association in Columbus, OH share about a Self-Development of People (SDOP) grant it was awarded by Scioto Valley Presbytery SDOP Committee. Thanks to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, the funds will help community residents adversely impacted by Covid-19.

Watch the video →
pda blue t-shirts
Webinar explores white supremacy and gender inequality

The Rev. Denise Anderson of the Office of Racial and Intercultural Justice and Sue Rheem of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations joined  former Co-Moderator Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri for a frank, personal discussion of white supremacy and gender injustice.

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Rev Dr Robert Stivers
The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Stivers dies in Tacoma, Washington, at age 80

From 1987-1990, Stivers served as chairperson of the Eco-Justice Task Force of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, developing a theological and ethical framework for the groundbreaking policy statement “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice.”

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sidewalk with written chalk words
Explore COVID-19 resources from the Presbyterian Mental Health Ministry

Many excellent resources are available to help us cope with the emotional impact of the pandemic and to support our resilience. This is a curated list gathered from trusted sources and grouped by category.

Explore the resources →
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Subscribe to Unbound’s new YouTube Channel

Unbound, the online Christian social justice journal from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy has launched a YouTube Channel featuring favorites such as the series “Just Talk Live” and a new lectionary series “Talkin’ to the Text.”

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Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25 – A bold vision and invitation

We recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious. Over 680 churches and mid councils have accepted the Matthew 25 invitation to help our denomination become a more relevant presence in the world by building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.

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Coronavirus/COVID-19 — Latest church resources
for congregations and members
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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Presbyterians for Earth Care - Pesticide and Pollinator Recording, April Webinar, & How to Take Action📣

Special Action Alert from Presbyterians for Earth Care Dear friends of God’s creation: As people of faith, we are called to care for God...