Tuesday, July 6, 2021

To the Law and to the Testimony! - PPL ENEWS July, 2021

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Compelled by the Gospel, PPL equips Presbyterians

to champion human life at every stage





July 2021


To the Law and to the Testimony!

By PPL Board Member, Rev Jonathan B. Leach

Pastor, Reformed Presbyterian Church in San Antonio


Within our lifetime, these United States are suffering the accelerating collapse of a national façade. It’s the façade—the outward appearance and reputation—of moral righteousness. At what particular point in history the collapse began is difficult to say. But the mask is off now, and that which for generations lay hidden beneath is painfully evident.

LifeSite News Report:

The Pending Dobbs v. Jackson SCOTUS Case

WASHINGTON D.C., May 20, 2021 (Operation Rescue) – News broke this week that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear an important Mississippi abortion case that may affect the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that decriminalized abortion in America.


The case is Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. At issue is a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks gestation. The question is whether it is unconstitutional for states to regulate or limits abortion before the 24-week determination of viability in Roe.

Important Information for PPL Partners

PPL is so grateful for our faithful supporters! Many of you have made an intentional plan for giving to the ministry of PPL. You have sustained PPL through some lean and turbulent years. We hope you will continue your generous support as we transition to a new donor management system. The new system will be more efficient, responses more personal, and staff more able to focus on equipping YOU to champion life!


How will this effect you?

  • If you contribute by mailing a personal or bank check - no changes.
  • If you give to PPL by credit card donation via Vanco Services, we will ask you to switch to the online Network for Good platform to make future contributions. Network for Good charges a flat 3% fee for donations made online. If you need assistance in setting up your new automatic donation or closing your Vanco Services account please contact PPL.
  • The greatest change comes for those giving to PPL through ACH bank withdrawals and web transactions via Vanco Services. We regret that these options will not be available to you once our transition is complete. We will be in touch with you soon to help you find another option for contributing that works for you.

Text giving is now available! 

To donate via text from your phone: Text "give" to 1 (717) 537-0909. Follow the prompts on the page that opens to make a gift to equip Presbyterians to save human lives!


Click the donate button below to help PPL make a difference today!

PPL has achieved Guidestar's highest level of transparency. You may donate to PPL at Guidestar for a small transaction fee.

Visit our page
on the Guidestar website!



PO Box 5239
Lancaster, PA 17606

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