Thursday, July 15, 2021

Tell Congress to Support the THRIVE Act

On April 30th, Representative Debbie Dingell (MI-12) introduced H.R.2919: the “Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy Act” or the THRIVE Act. The bill seeks to implement a comprehensive economic recovery plan “to cut climate pollution in half by 2030 and advance gender, environmental, Indigenous, economic, and racial justice, with particular attention to Black and Indigenous people.” The THRIVE Act was derived from the THRIVE agenda and will achieve these goals by investing in frontline communities and by creating millions of well-paying union jobs in clean energy and infrastructure. This legislation works towards real solutions to the many crises our country faces including racial injustice, economic inequality, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change. The THRIVE Agenda has support from over one hundred grassroots organizations


Let Congress know that you also support the comprehensive approach of the THRIVE Act!


Economic hardship has been magnified since the pandemic, particularly for women and people of color. In April, unemployment rates for Black and Latine workers was “more than 50 percent higher than for white workers.” If implemented, the THRIVE ACT will provide resources for recovery and growth to communities around the country. The THRIVE Act outlines $1 trillion in annual investment, which is predicted to create 15.5 million jobs over the next decade. Right now, women and people of color are underrepresented in infrastructure jobs, especially in higher-paying positions. The THRIVE Act will require equitable hiring practices and will direct at least 50 percent of its investments to communities of color and other frontline communities to ensure that those communities are sharing in the benefits of the economic recovery.

The THRIVE Act will also help protect our environment by ushering in a 45 percent reduction in U.S. climate pollution by 2030. This level of reduction will put the U.S on the path to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, helping the world avoid the most dangerous effects of climate change.

The 202nd General Assembly (1990) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) adopted the report for Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice which calls us to help keep and restore creation, both human and non-human and affirms that “abuse of nature and injustice to people place the future in grave jeopardy.” The THRIVE agenda aims to repair the harm done to marginalized communities and our natural environment. This legislation will help us work towards a more just future where more people can provide for themselves and their families while also protecting our planet. This legislation is a demonstration of love for human and natural communities that make up God’s wonderful creation.


Join us by contacting your Representative, and urging them to support the Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy Act!

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