Friday, July 2, 2021

A prayer for my LGBTQ kin


Rev. Megan Rohrer is the bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the first transgender bishop in a mainline Christian denomination. We asked them to write a prayer and blessing for LGBTQ Christians. The editors

Shepherding God,

Be palpably present with us when we dance,
     and enjoy the sensations
     of the creation you declare good.

Help us to name, define, redefine, deconstruct, claim, and properly pronoun our fabulousness. We commit to properly naming and pronouning the fabulousness of others.

Dwell with us,
     both when we are able to articulate our pride for ourselves and others
     and when we get stuck in a cacophony of negativity, bodily shame, or unjust laws.

When we are tired, weary, and exhausted,
     grant us the rest and renewal we need to keep on marching, advocating, and living openly.

When we have all that we need to live fully,
     help us to share with others who lack.

And when it feels like time is moving too slow,
     or change is not possible,
     take the lead
     block the wind
     refresh our hearts ...




Our Latest

Christian Hip-Hop’s First Openly Gay Rapper Is Done Evangelizing (by Mitchell Atencio)

Three years after coming out publicly, JGivens reflects on friendships, addiction, queerness, and his shifting faith

‘Like a Love Letter to Queer Youth’ (by Lexi McMenamin)

Second annual ‘Queer Youth of Faith Day’ and new album remind queer youth of faith that they are worthy of celebration.

Will the Equal Rights Amendment Threaten Religious Liberty? (by Paola Fuentes Gleghorn, Rose Marie Berger, Allyson McKinney Timm)

Answers to your questions about the proposed 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Christian Opponents of CRT Peddle a Hollow Salvation (by Lucas Kwong)

Spiritual regeneration requires embodied solidarity, not merely a fixation with an ethereal beyond.


From the Magazine

Dismantling Creation and Spreading Disease (by Bill McKibben)

Attacks on science are dangerous.


White People Talking to White People About Racism

Join The Invitation podcast’s summer series, a reading of Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance & Repair. Buy the book from a Black-owned bookstore. Gather friends. Read, listen, discuss, pray, and discern action with pastors, activists, and scholars!

Tell the Senate to Reauthorize VAWA

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) became a law 25 years ago, providing crucial protections for women and survivors of domestic violence. VAWA is now up for reauthorization but is being held up in the Senate. Please ask your senators to vote for this important bill.


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