Friday, July 16, 2021

After decades of knowing how serious the climate crisis is, the gap between what’s needed and what’s happening is morally incomprehensible. Join me in calling for change!

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O You, whose mercy is a refuge for all those
in dire need who flee to You to lose their woes
O Master of Reprieve, whose pardon is so near
You answer all in need; they know that You do hear!
~ Excerpt from The Prayer of the Oppressed
by Muhammad bin Nasir al-DarÏ

Human oppression is nothing new. The cycle of bloodshed and cruelty has existed since time immemorial. As a Muslim, I learn from the words of Allah (God) mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and in the messages of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in his Sunnah that Islam does not tolerate oppression or injustice.

Stand firm with us for climate justice; register to host a Faiths 4 Climate Justice action today!

As a Muslim committed to equity and social justice, I believe that all living creatures were made by Allah. Therefore, all creations are sacred and must be treated with kindness and compassion.

But educating ourselves is not enough; we need to take action. That’s why, on 17 and 18 of October, GreenFaith is working with religious and faith partners across the world to organize a global climate action called Faiths 4 Climate Justice. The goal is to pressure decision-makers at every level to take bolder action on climate change. We are calling on government and financial decision-makers to say no to fossil fuels and deforestation, to invest massively in green jobs, and for rich countries and corporations to pay climate reparations to those who have been affected by climate change and related injustices.

Organize an event in your community or with your faith institution.

The Holy Qur’an teaches that Allah established the natural world in a life-sustaining balance which we should respect and protect. The Qur’an also recognizes that people are responsible for all forms of human wrongdoing - including that which affects the land, the sea, and the air. After decades of knowing how serious the climate crisis is, what’s happening is morally incomprehensible.

Although personal behavior change is vital, it is not enough to turn the tide at this point. Governments, financial institutions, and corporations have massive power over the environment, and I am deeply alarmed by the massive gap between what is required to limit catastrophic global temperature rise and actual climate change commitments by governments, financial groups, and multinational companies. It’s time for local actions, that together, send a message to our leaders, our religious institutions, and our communities that enough is enough.

I hope you will join me at Faiths 4 Climate Justice to stand together for a just, sustainable future for all!

On 17 October, we’ll be gathering at places of faith to sound the alarm, drop banners, and educate our communities about the need for climate justice. Then on 18 October, we’ll be going to the offices and homes of decision makers and delivering our demands. You can organize an event in your community, and we hope you’ll join us. Let’s continue to take action to protect our natural world and the life-sustaining balance we all need.

In faith and solidarity,

Nana Firman and the GreenFaith Team

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