Saturday, July 24, 2021

Citizenship for DACA recipients now!

SojoAction Alert

On July 16, a judge in Texas put a partial end to the DACA program, placing thousands of immigrant youth and adults at risk of deportation. We are devasted by this news, as DACAmented people continue to live from court case to court case. Our senators must hear from us now on the urgent need to create permanent solutions and a pathway to citizenship. Take 5 minutes today to call your senators and ask them to include a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, TPS holders, essential workers, farmworkers, and their families in the budget resolution!

Call Now!

While DACA holders are still protected and can continue to renew their status, new DACA applications will no longer be processed or approved. Immigrant youth, adults, and their families cannot continue to live in this uncertainty. Congress can choose to protect all immigrant youth, TPS holders, farm workers, other essential workers, and their families by including a pathway to citizenship in the budget resolution. 

We know that the efforts of immigrant people, faith leaders, and allies are effective. The Senate has included a pathway to citizenship in their budget resolution. This is a huge step toward our goal. Now, our senators need to hear that these pathways to citizenship must  be kept in the final budget and become a reality. The well-being of our community members is not negotiable! 

Call your senators and urge them to keep a pathway to citizenship in the budget resolution!

Call Now!

Our faith teaches us that we are bound together, responsible for each other's health and well-being as much as our own. We are only as healthy, safe, and free as our neighbors. This past year, we relied on DACA recipients, TPS holders, and other immigrant people doing essential work to sustain our economy and maintain the flow of food, as well as other goods and basic services, in every part of our country. We owe a debt of gratitude and have a moral obligation to essential workers. Our nation must create a pathway to citizenship for immigrant people and their families.

Join us in calling today. You will be directly connected to the offices of your senators. A sample script will be provided.

In faith and action,

Paola Fuentes Gleghorn
Immigration and Women and Girls Coordinator

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