Saturday, July 17, 2021 - #SOSCuba

After an economic crisis and food shortages made worse by the pandemic—the people of Cuba are taking to the streets to demand their rights and freedoms. But their government is retaliating. The communist Castro regime has cut their internet service, making it difficult for Cubans to communicate with the outside world. Internet service is essential for Cubans to showcase government violence, seek support, and organize protests. Sign the petition to demand free satellite internet for the people of Cuba immediately. 

Free Satellite Internet for Cuban people now

17,599 have signed Gretell Salermo’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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The Cuban people are taking the streets across the island to demand their freedom.

The Castro regime is using military force against an unarmed and brave country who is defending its rights to survival.

The regime has cut the Internet service so the world can’t see what’s happening right now in the island. They need our help today more than ever. Please, help us get satellite Internet service for the brave Cubans who are risking their lives right now. The world needs to see and support them immediately.

#freesatelliteinternetforcubanow #SOSCUBA


El pueblo cubano está tomando las calles de toda la isla para exigir su libertad.  El régimen de Castro está utilizando la fuerza militar contra un país valiente y desarmado que defiende su derecho a la supervivencia.  

El régimen ha cortado el servicio de Internet para que el mundo no pueda ver lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo en la isla.  Necesitan nuestra ayuda hoy más que nunca.  Por favor, ayúdenos a conseguir un servicio de Internet satelital para los valientes cubanos que están arriesgando sus vidas en este momento.  

El mundo necesita verlos y apoyarlos de inmediato.

Sign now with a click

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