Saturday, July 31, 2021 - The Paralympics

The International Paralympics Committee claims their goal is to “make for an inclusive world through sport.” Despite this claim, the Paralympics has limited the entire US team to one personal care assistant (PCA). For a team of 34—there is only one PCA to ensure athlete needs are met. Meghan started her petition because she knows the quality of disabled life should not be sacrificed in exchange for compromise during the pandemic. She’s asking the Committee to allow each athlete their own PCA.

United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee: Allow athletes to have their own PCA’s

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On July 19th, 2021, Becca Meyers, a member of the U.S. Paralympic team posted on Instagram that she has decided to withdraw from the Paralympic games in Tokyo sure to her being denied her own PCA (Personal Care Assistant.) Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the U.S. team is only allowing one PCA for all 34, now 33 of it’s team members.

While the members of the Paralympic team have varying support needs, and all may not need a PCA, some do. The vision statement of the International Paralympics Committee is to "make for an inclusive world through sport." Inclusivity means accommodating the individual needs of athletes and the IPC and the U.S. Paralympic team is failing to live up to this vision. 

It is understandable that compromises must be made to ensure people’s health and safety during this pandemic. However, the quality of disabled life should not be the thing that gets sacrificed. Becca Meyers should not have to give up her dreams and a chance for representing her country because the IPC refuses to accommodate for her accessibility. We call on the IPC and the U.S. Paralympic team to give a way to make the Paralympics to live up to it’s vision and truly make a "more inclusive world." 

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