Friday, July 23, 2021 - RAPP - The (Replenishment Advocacy & Promotion Plan) of the RRF to Rescue Our Restaurants

RAPP - The (Replenishment Advocacy & Promotion Plan) of the RRF to Rescue Our Restaurants

The Posse On Broadway Lounge started this petition to U​.​S. House of Representatives, U​.​S. Senate, President of the United States and it now has 2,031 signatures

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With COVID-19 cases being down and restrictions being lifted just in time for summer, Americans are eager to socialize once again. In particular, with activities such as going out to our favorite restaurants, bars, bistros, lounges, bakeries, wineries, caterers, food trucks, carts and stands, et cetera.

Approximately 90,000 restaurants and bars closed as a result of restrictions during the pandemic, according to the National Restaurant Association, and receipts for the industry were down an estimated $280 billion. The restaurant industry, being one of the nation’s largest employers and also the most affected industry of the pandemic, will be imperative to our return to normalcy. Only if our small and independent restaurants and foodservice entities still are around to support our communities. 

The $28.6B Restaurant Revitalization Fund, available since May 3, 2021, has quickly ran out. The fund has been distributed to only 1/3 of the applicants who qualified. A bill for the $60B Restaurant Revitalization Replenishment Act [HOUSE BILL H.R.3807 OR SENATE BILL S.2091] has recently been introduced, yet we need more urgent attention and sponsorship in Congress in order to get funds to the majority of the applicants who qualify.

Without this replenishment, the majority of restaurants that are qualified, due to enforced mandates, closures, lockdowns and restrictions over the last 16 months and therefore having lost substantial revenue and/or have temporarily closed, will not be able to reopen or recover. Your favorite local restaurants are closing permanently unless there is replenishment.

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund is now officially closed and it reports that hundreds of thousands of approvals are rescinded or paused due to the lack of funds. This proposal is to demand Congress to act quickly to sponsor and vote for replenishment of the fund for the small restaurant businesses of our nation’s hardest hit sector. Thank you.

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