Thursday, July 29, 2021 - Fire Blizzard Employees Responsible for Sexual Assault

Fire Blizzard Employees Responsible for Sexual Assault

Roleplayers Against Sexual Assault started this petition to Blizzard Entertainment and it now has 3,370 signatures

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Sexual assault is far too prevalent in game development culture, least of all in Blizzard Entertainment, developers of popular games such as World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo. We, the consumers of their products, would like to feel respected, safe, and heard when playing Blizzard’s game. That is why, in light of the recent lawsuit, we demand that these accusations be taken seriously.

Not only should everyone involved be fired and prosecuted, those involved in covering up or making excuses for these heinous acts should also be let go from the company. Accountability is key in moving forward and changing the culture and attitude in the gaming community.

These changes should be public, with transparency and understanding, so that it was clear that Blizzard is willing to make the necessary changes to its culture. We aren’t looking for a sacrificial lamb - ALL guilty parties needs to be cut out from the company’s culture. 

This change is not only to honor those that were forced to go through horrific experiences that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives, but also to respect the player base, that is up largely of women, that Blizzard has built its fame and fortune around. 

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