Thursday, July 29, 2021

Spread the Word: Emergency Rental Assistance

Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, billions of dollars in federal rental assistance is reaching renters behind on housing costs, as well as landlords who have struggled during the pandemic. These programs are run locally, and right now emergency rental assistance is available across the country. 

The federal government is continuing an all-out push and issuing a call to action to Members of Congress, state and local officials, companies, advocates, nonprofits, the faith community, and more to conduct an all-out push to make sure tenants and landlords take advantage of federal rental assistance to help cover rent, utilities, and other housing costs and keep people in their homes.

Please spread the word about emergency rental assistance. Help is available for renters who are having trouble paying rent, utilities or other housing costs as well as for landlords who have tenants in this situation. State and local programs are distributing billions of dollars in rental assistance. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently developed a new “Rental Assistance Finder” tool for renters and landlords to find information on rental assistance in their area. The tool is now live at: . The CFPB’s site also includes resources to help renters and landlords understand other resources to help navigate various financial hardships related to the pandemic.

For additional information about the Emergency Rental Assistance program, visit the unified federal housing assistance portal hosted by the CFPB.

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