Friday, April 16, 2021

URGENT -Churches & Gun Sale Background Checks

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations April 2021

1. ACT Now! Background Check Vote Pending in US Senate
2. History of PCUSA support for comprehensive Background Checks

Dear Friends,
We are in a terrible crisis of gun violence, surging gun sales and police gun violence across America. Take hope and take action on Life-Saving Background Checks legislation. It has passed the US Congress and a Senate vote is imminent, any day. This is the greatest opportunity for federal action to prevent gun violence in a generation. Please act now.
In Christ, PPF Gun Violence Prevention Working Group

Photo above, As part of The Road Trip for Background Checks,
PPF Gun Violence Prevention Ministry Coordinator Rev. Deanna Hollas signs
Background Check Banner in Dallas.  Below, The Road Trip kicked off
in Chicago April 6. Volunteers drove on 7 different routes with over 60
stops in 23 states from coast to coast, gathering signatures and support.
The 16,000 mile Road Trip arrived with banners and messages in Washington DC on April 14
to call on the US Senate to support Background Checks.

Background Checks:
Ask your senators to support the
117th Congress Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021. Read the bill here
Act now. Time is short.
 Phone your Senators in Washington DC
at 202-224-3121
Everyone, please call. (Then write!)
Sample Call Message:
Hi, this is _______. I'm from ______. I want to ask Senator____ to support the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021. I'm a Presbyterian and our Church has studied this issue for many years. I believe that passing background checks on all gun sales is the right thing to do to save lives. Thank you.
 Find Senators' names & web addresses at
On their website look for an email address, which is better than the web forms many senators provide.
 You can write any US Senator at US Senate, Washington DC 20510
The Background Checks Act of 2021 was passed in the US House of Representatives
as HR 8 in March and a Senate vote is imminent. With your action, federal legislation to prevent
gun violence has a chance to pass both houses and be signed into law for the first time
in a generation. Learn how Covid-19 has increased the need for
bipartisan support for background checks at

Want to Do More?
Pray for your senators, preach on this rare moment of crisis and opportunity, contribute funds to a group working on Background Checks, make a church announcement to organize an urgent "Offering of Letters and Calls." Share this information with your church, social action committee, Sunday School class, family, neighbors, friends. Set a goal to reach 5 or 10 or more to encourage them to make phone calls to their senators. Thank you.

Background on PCUSA support for Background Checks
In 1968, Presbyterians began calling for controls on gun sales at the 108th General Assembly....
Read More HERE
More News

1. Change is Coming
As you know, the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship paused much of its program in 2020 and 2021 to focus deeply on anti-racism and de-policing. That sustained time of study has been completed. We are starting our work back up --but in new ways. Stay tuned.

2. Ecumenical Advocacy Days April 18-21
IMAGINE! God's Earth & People Restored
Sign up for this virtual event at

3. Courageous Conversations with Deanna Hollas and Ohio’s God Before Guns
This video was recorded just after the Atlanta shooting that killed 8 persons and just before news of the Boulder shooting that killed 10 persons. Watch at

4. PPF Congregational Toolkit on Gun Violence Prevention
Click HERE for free download or to order a printed copy.

"When it is easier to get a gun than a scholarship to college, something is wrong."
--Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Chicago Pastor 

“Along with faith and prayer, I also know that ‘faith without work is dead.’ I am imploring everyone to continue to fight for more comprehensive background checks — especially as we see gun sales surge.”
--Rev. Sharon Risher
Risher lost her mother, two cousins and
her childhood friend at the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Church shooting
in Charleston, SC in 2015
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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