Monday, April 19, 2021 - PTSD + service animals

So many veterans are proud to have served their country. But so many of them are also living with crippling PTSD. Research shows that pairing service dogs with veterans has a profound impact on their wellbeing. Canine Companions wants Congress to make sure our vets can get the help they need — can you take a minute to support our veterans and sign right now?

Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD

8,138 have signed Canine Companions for Independence’s petition. Let’s get to 10,000!

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Canine Companions® was selected as a provider of service and emotional support dogs for a study by the Department of Veteran Affairs examining the effects of task-trained service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The results of the four-year study were recently released.

The results are staggering: Veterans placed with trained service dogs have reduced suicidal ideation and better mental health outcomes than those paired emotional support dogs.

It is estimated that more than 1 in 10 veterans within the VA population have a diagnosis of PTSD, and yet relative to other mental health conditions, existing treatments tend to be less effective.

Congress has been debating ways in which trained service dogs can support veterans living with PTSD. This research provides a new opportunity to show proven benefits of connecting veterans with PTSD with trained service dogs like those trained through Canine Companions Veterans Initiative™.

Act Now: Help educate Congress by sharing facts from the VA research study today.

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