Thursday, April 15, 2021 - STOP the destruction of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge

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STOP the destruction of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge

Michelle Citron started this petition to U​.​S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Rural Utilities Service, U​.​S. Army Corp of Engineers and it now has 24,902 signatures

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ITC, ATC, and Dairyland Power Cooperative are building Cardinal-Hickory Creek, a massive high voltage transmission line from Iowa through the Driftless Area of Southwest Wisconsin, including the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. Pictured here is the devastating clear-cutting presently being done by ITC on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River for the first leg of the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line.   

If we cannot stop this transmission line this destruction will continue through the entire Refuge, which was established by Congress in 1924. The refuge is a place for fishing, hunting, canoeing, and birdwatching.  It has over 200 bald eagle nests and 5,000 great blue heron nests.  During the fall migration it is home to 50% of the continent’s canvasback duck population, 20% of the continent’s tundra swans, along with hundreds of thousands of other migrating ducks. The refuge is a designated Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR) and a globally important flyway.

Please sign Driftless Defenders’ petition to show the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Rural Utilities Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers the public’s passionate desire to protect the Refuge from this unneeded and environmentally destructive transmission line.  This petition will support the effort of four conservation groups that are taking legal actions, including filing a federal lawsuit against these agencies, alleging violations of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, and the Endangered Species act.  

We thank you for your support.


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