Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Condemn anti-trans legislation

Texas has already banned trans women from sports. Now the state is taking aim at young people’s access to life-saving medical care. Aoife, a student at St. Lawrence University, wants her school to take a stand. She believes that SLU can shelter students from the impact of these bills. She needs your help to push administrators to protect LGBTQ students in Texas.

Have St. Lawrence University release a statement about the bill SB1646.

808 have signed Aoife Currie’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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What is SB1646?

SB1646 is a bill currently in Texas legislature that will make it a crime to provide any form of Gender Affirming Healthcare to transgender youth, with the punishment being criminal prosecution and possible removal of the child from their parents. A similar bill, SB29, which would ban Transgender youth from participating in School Sports, soared through committee and this bill might too, without our help.

Why SLU?

I, Aoife Currie, am an out transgender woman and student at St. Lawrence University, and I believe that SLU has a duty to speak out about this issue. I do not have the social capital to make a difference on this issue, but SLU does. SLU’s alumni are global and highly engaged, and St. Lawrence University has spoken out about other social issues, such as the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin. If St. Lawrence made a statement about this issue and urged their alumni and current student population to make a difference and speak out against this they could help to possibly stop this hateful bill from happening. I believe we all have a duty in speaking out against this, and this is how I choose to speak out against this, by writing this petition.

What will happen with this petition?

After this petition reaches its goal, I will email this petition to the chair of the Diversity and Inclusion department at SLU, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, and ask her to tell St. Lawrence University that we, as the constituents of St. Lawrence, would like the campus to make a statement on these issues.

What will the statement entail?

What the statement entails will be up to the University, however I will recommend to them that they both educate about this issue and posit a call to action to the alumni and current student body that they should stand up against this issue, whether it is by donating to advocacy groups in Texas such as Equality Texas, or to email or call the representatives that will vote on this bill, and make our voices heard.


If you have any questions about this or would like to reach out to me for any reason, please email me at

Thank you for reading.

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