Wednesday, November 6, 2024

WCC news: WCC strengthens faith and labor coalitions for global worker rights at Brussels dialogue

The World Council of Churches (WCC) reinforced its commitment to labor justice and climate equity at the "Care Dialogue" in Brussels on 30 October, co-hosted by UNI Care Europa. The event brought together key leaders from labor and faith communities to address critical issues in the global workforce, from workers’ rights to the future of work in an age of automation and environmental challenges.
Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC
06 November 2024

Athena Peralta, director of the WCC Commission on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development, delivered a compelling presentation on “Building Bridges: Coalition-Building Between Trade Unions and Faith-Based Organizations.” She outlined the WCC’s longstanding alliance with labor movements and the organization’s commitment to socioeconomic justice. “The WCC critiques the prevailing economic paradigm which has privileged capital over labor, deepened socio-economic inequality, and eroded the rights of the working class,” Peralta emphasized​.

In her address, Peralta highlighted the WCC’s view that “labor is integral to the vision of collective living and life-in-fullness for all,” connecting the mission for labor justice to biblical narratives that depict God as a worker alongside humanity. She noted, “In some of the biblical creation stories, God is a worker as well.” Faith communities, she explained, have a unique role in supporting workers’ rights, advocating for fair wages, and promoting safe and just working conditions.

The Care Dialogue, held at the European Economic and Social Committee, also included speakers from organizations such as Caritas Europa, International Catholic Migration Commission, and UNI Global Union. Conversations focused on the pressing impacts of automation and precarious gig economy jobs, as well as the effects of climate change on vulnerable worker communities. In this context, Peralta called for “just and caring transitions towards zero-carbon economies,” highlighting the importance of “Christian solidarity with labor” to ensure these transitions are fair and inclusive​​.

WCC Sustainability and Economy of Life: Advocacy for sustainable communities, accompanying the struggles of communities impacted by economic and ecological injustice.

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The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith, witness and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenical fellowship of churches founded in 1948, today the WCC brings together 352 Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other churches representing more than 580 million Christians in over 120 countries, and works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Church. The WCC general secretary is Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay from the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.

Media contact: +41 79 507 6363;
Our visiting address is:
World Council of Churches
Chemin du Pommier 42
Kyoto Building
Le Grand-Saconnex CH-1218

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