Thursday, November 21, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Earth Care Advent Devotionals 🌠and Webinar on Monday on Sustainable Holidays! 🎁


Sustainable Holidays: Presbyterian Giving Opportunities & Participant Idea Exchange

The Presbyterian Giving Catalog celebrates it's 10th Anniversary with the 2024-2025 issue.  No wrapping is needed for the 40+ gifts available through the catalog, not to mention no waste!  Generous gifts to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog are signs of our gratitude: feeding the hungry, comforting the brokenhearted and sharing our faith with young and old.  The catalog includes gifts that represent causes close to anyone's heart, such as hygiene kits, cookstoves, teacher training, and beekeeping supplies.  Sy Hughes will be joining us to share ways we can use this program to give sustainably in honor or memory of family and friends during the holidays.  The webinar will include time for participants to share their own ideas for giving gifts and celebrating the upcoming Christmas holiday season in ways that do not negatively impact the earth.

Webinar Date: Monday, Nov. 25, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EST (6:30 CST, 5:30 MST, 4:30 PST)

Presenter: SY Hughes, PCUSA

Sy Hughes serves as a Ministry Engagement Advisor (MEA) for the PC(USA) in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern Region. In this role, Sy engages with individuals, congregations, presbyteries, and synods to support their mission and ministry efforts on behalf of partners in the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Office of the General Assembly. Operating from a home office in Columbia, SC, Sy’s primary focus includes helping raise funds, excitement and awareness for the denominations Shared Mission Support, Churchwide Special Offerings, and Per Capita. Sy is dedicated to equipping and connecting Presbyterians with the resources of the wider church, engaging in God’s mission, and encouraging financial support for these efforts.

The 2024 Advent Daily Devotional is Here!

New Daily Advent Devotions based on the Revised Common Lectionary texts from Creation Care Perspectives:  We hope this devotional will help preachers, lectionary Bible study groups, families and individuals with new insights on these beloved texts during this special season.  We hope the devotions will inspire more people help care for God's creation in these challenging times.  Thank you to all of those who wrote and contributed to this year’s devotional!

NEW FOR 2024: PEC has partnered with Red Presbiteriana Para el Cuidado de la Creación as a collaboration with both English and Spanish Advent Devotionals to share.  Both translations are available on the PEC website.  CLICK HERE or the button below to view or download your copies in both languages today.

Ten Ways to Help Promote the Creation Care Advent Devotionals:

1. Send a link to its online posting to family and friends with a description about it

2. Ask to include the description and link in your church's weekly email 

3. Include a sample from it in your congregation's Advent devotional

4.Read a devotion in Sunday worship and/or ask preacher to include it in their sermon

5. Have a week's PEC devotions available each week for those who do not use computers

6.Give printed copies (or email) to homebound members

7.Email copies to college students

8. Share with it with local environmental groups in your area

9. Read it at Bible and PW groups

10. Encourage its use by your church's prayer chain

Daily Devotional Email During the Advent Season

Would you like to receive each day’s devotion from our Creation Care Advent Devotionals in your email Inbox?  Sign up by CLICKING HERE.  Each morning, beginning on Nov. 25th, you will receive the day’s devotions in both English and Spanish.

Online Bible Study

Lesson 3: Food Justice

You are invited to join Presbyterians for Earth Care this Sunday, November 24th for an online study of:

Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation

by Patricia K. Tull
Suggestions for Leaders by Rebecca Barnes

Please join PEC for this unique monthly opportunity for community and meaningful study.


Time: 7:00 pm Eastern/ 6:00 pm Central/ 5:00 pm Mountain/ 4:00 pm Pacific. The study will run for 75 minutes each session.

Future Dates: Nov. 24th, Dec. 22nd, Jan. 26th, Feb. 23rd, Mar. 23rd, Apr. 28th, May 26th

Study Leaders: Rev. M. Courtenay Willcox and Rev. Lucy Youngblood

Each lesson is stand alone - join us online for any or all of our study sessions! We hope to see you there!

How to save money with the Inflation Reduction Act before Trump is in charge

The Trump administration could repeal tax credits for electric vehicles, heat pumps and more. (Washington Post 11/13/24 gift article, click title to read)

PEC Coordinator and her family just became new owrners an electric vehicle (EV) (see photo), joining many other PEC members and friends who have EVs- Mark Eakin, Bruce Gillette, Trisha Tull, Jo and Rick Randolph, and others.  They would all be happy to talk with you about their EV experiences!


PEC’s Earth Care Conference will be held at Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center on Oct. 8-11, 2025!  More information will be available soon!  We hope to see you there!

America Is All In: Election Outcomes and the Road Ahead

(from: America Is All In) The election has been called, and we now know that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. It's unlikely that the incoming Administration will lead on climate in a way that Americans and the world need. But remember: America Is All In is ready to lead. We have been here before. When President Trump was elected the first time, thousands of cities, states, and businesses stood together and we declared that we are still in the climate fight. We took strong climate action. We are not in the same place that we were eight years ago. We have a strong, bipartisan coalition focused on progress and implementation. To defend the progress made on clean energy, climate resilience, and environmental justice, we’ll need to come together again – and that starts now. On Friday, November 8, 2024, we hosted a coalition-wide call to prepare for the months ahead. The webinar featured America Is All In Co-Chairs Gina McCarthy and Governor Jay Inslee as well as Mayor Justin M. Bibb.

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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