Friday, November 29, 2024

The Christian Recorder - An Appeal for Hurricane Recovery Assistance from the 11th Episcopal District

Dear African Methodist Episcopal Church Family:

Grace and Peace from the Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you!

The recent series of Annual Conferences within the Eleventh Episcopal District were interrupted by two impactful storms, Hurricane Helene and Milton. Both of these natural disasters caused damages, dislocations, and disruptions to congregants and ministry operations. Many of you reached out to ascertain how you could be a blessing to your sisters and brothers who have once again been battered by the storm.

The photos show damages and the initial recovery and rebuilding process that the district has undertaken internally. I am grateful to the American Red Cross along with FEMA for their assistance to the people during this process. Each church within our district has been asked to receive an offering First Sunday in December. As we are helping the people of the district pick up the broken pieces and walk on with God’s help into a better tomorrow. I am asking our Connectional family to partner with us.

You can remit your gifts in the following ways:
1) Givelify: 11thEpiscopalDistrict
2) PayPal:
3) Zelle:
4) Website:
5) or a check payable to the Eleventh Episcopal District Disaster
Relief Fund and mailed to:
101 East Union Street Suite 301 - Jacksonville, Florida 32202. Some of you may wish to send clothes, gift cards, and/or materials. Please reach out to Presiding Elder Gregory V. Gay, the District’s Disaster Relief Coordinator. His contact information is:

Thank you in advance from people who invite you to join in helping them to help themselves in this restoration process. Your continued prayers, along with any assistance you provide, will go a long way in encouraging hope and healing during this time of devastation. You may reach me at with any additional questions.

Peace, Power, and Progress,

The Right Rev. Marvin C. Zanders, II
Presiding Bishop 11th Episcopal District AMEC

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The Christian Recorder is the official newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the oldest continuously produced publication by persons of African descent.  

Bishop Francine A. Brookins, Chair of the General Board Commission on Publications

Rev. Dr. Roderick D. Belin, President/Publisher of the AME Sunday School Union
Dr. John Thomas III, Editor of The Christian Recorder

Copyright © 2024 The Christian Recorder, All rights reserved.

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