Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Name Your 2024 Eco-Justice Champion!

It's time to nominate YOUR

Eco-Justice Champion for 2024!

Do you know a young adult, 30 years old or younger, who connects their faith with creation and shows great potential to be a future leader for environmental justice? Or perhaps you know a more mature person who has spent their life acting and advocating for the beauty, integrity and health of God’s creation. Maybe your congregation or faith organization operates in a sustainable manner and promotes being a good steward of God’s earth within and beyond its membership. 

If one of these prompts brought an individual or a congregation/organization to your mind, now is the time to nominate them for a Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) Annual Earth Care Award. PEC presents three awards each year, two for an individual and the other to an organization.  These awards are presented to individuals and groups whose work for the environment is particularly praise-worthy and creative. 

The William Gibson Eco-Justice Award honors an individual who has along history of being a good steward of the Earth, promotes sustainable practices for individuals or organizations, motivates and inspires others to care for God’s creation, and demonstrates care and concern for the sacred bond that exists between all things, living and nonliving.

The Restoring Creation Award honors a congregation or faith-based organization that demonstrates sustainable practices and models them for other organizations, operates in a manner that is consistent with good stewardship of God’s creation, partners with organizations to leverage resources for greater impact, and encourages continuous environmental efforts within the organization.

The Emerging Earth Care Leader Award honors an individual, age 18 to 30, who demonstrates sustainable practices and encourages others to care for God’s creation, expands Earth stewardship and sustainable practices through organizing, developing, and/or presenting one or more activities, projects, publications, or events, and incorporates care and concern for the sacred bond between all living things.

Visit the Awards page on the PEC website for more information, then nominate your eco-justice hero by December 22. You may also download, complete and return a printed Nomination Form for PEC Earth Care Awards. If you are a PEC member/donor, you are welcome to nominate an awardee. If you are not a member/donor and would like to make a nomination, you can join or renew now.

Volunteers are needed to make the decision about which qualified individual/congregations or organizations will receive the 2024 Awards. If you would like to serve on the PEC Awards Committee and attend up to two virtual meetings in December, contact PEC Coordinator, Mindy Hidenfelter pec@presbyearthcare.org

The deadline for submitting nominations for PEC Awards is December 22.

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