Thursday, November 18, 2021

The work continues

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In COP26’s aftermath, many of you have told us that you’re filled with concern, fear, disappointment, or anger about everything that didn’t happen.

We are with you.

Join the GreenFaith Community Welcome Call on December 9 to connect and hear about how we’re moving forward, together.

In Glasgow, governments and financial leaders simply refused to do what was necessary and right. We were there. It hurt.

But that’s not where this story ends.

The GreenFaith community is just getting started.

We’re starting 2022 with “Time for Living the Change,” a season to make your New Year’s low-carbon resolution and live it out together in community. We’re prioritizing climate-friendly living as we reject the desecration of people and planet and embrace joyful lives of simplicity and solidarity. This is one way we create systemic change - by standing up as individuals for what is right.

Then, with a global Faith and Climate Finance Summit in February, we’re taking on the world’s biggest asset managers - BlackRock, Vanguard and others - and showing them that people of faith require investments that create a sustainable and just future, not a dead planet.

Between March 18 and May 6, five of the world’s largest religious - Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Buddhism - have some of their most important sacred celebrations. With allies across all these traditions, we’ll send a global, multi-faith message: no more fossil fuels or deforestation, and green jobs to build back fossil-free from COVID.

Throughout the year, we’re organizing opposition to new fossil fuel projects like the East Africa Crude Oil pipeline, gas projects in Texas, and coal development in Indonesia and Japan. We resolve to put a stop to these dangerous and destructive projects.

Everywhere we work, our message is crystal clear: Our faiths call for an end to climate destruction and a sustainable and just future for all.

At the Welcome Call, you’ll hear how you can join us in making this vision a reality. Register here to join!

We’re so excited and grateful to partner with you in this good and holy work.

With determination,

Rev. Fletcher Harper

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