Sunday, November 21, 2021 - Oakland sexual assault

Content warning: The following contains reference to sexual violence.

Hundreds of students at Oakland Tech High School believe that their district has cultivated a culture that allows sexual misconduct to go unpunished. After hosting a large protest last week, Tech students have laid out five demands for the school and the school board to implement. Their demands range from changes in policy to mandatory trainings for teachers and staff. Add your name to help these students make their school community safer. They’re counting on your support today.

Stop Oakland School’s Sexual Assault

1,836 have signed Giselle Herrera’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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Hundreds of Oakland Tech HS walked out of class on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, to demand school leaders to do better at handling sexual misconduct.  They marched two miles from Oakland Unified School District to downtown, carrying signs, repeated chants, and stopped traffic. 

This petition was made to spread awareness about the OUSD School District, hoping that they will do better disciplining students who break the sexual assault school policy. OUSD School District has ignored and silenced students’ voices that are speaking up about it. We are planning to take this petition to the School’s District Attendant and demand that they give proper punishments for students that sexually harass/rape instead of letting them go with a slap on the wrist. The principal of Oakland Tech HS, Richard Fairly needs to address the issue more than just simply sending an email to the school community.

“For far too long, OUSD and surrounding districts have perpetuated a culture that has made sexual misconduct seemingly go unpunished,” stated Amara Romero, a junior who helped organize this march.

Tech students have laid out five demands for the school and OUSD to implement: a policy for addressing sexual misconduct that doesn’t retraumatize survivors and that students can help create, more support for students who are survivors of sexual harm, training for school staff on how to identify sexual misconduct and how to behave appropriately around students, abolishing the district’s and the school’s student dress code, and establishing a committee of teachers and students to review allegations of sexual misconduct. 

We are begging you to support us, not only for students’ safety but for community safety. Please spread this petition to every platform you have, any help we can get will insure that we get this problem fixed.

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