Friday, May 14, 2021

Rebuild the U.S. Support families.


The COVID-19 pandemic was revelatory; that's a term that speaks to our nation's spiritual transformation more than it does to our politics.

In response to the crisis, President Joe Biden has brought forward three transformative bills: The American Rescue Plan, passed by Congress in March, the American Jobs Plan, and the American Families Plan. We will get to the important particulars of the bills, but we must also go deeper than the specifics, which will change as the debate goes on.

… When Biden was elected, many saw him as an old white guy, who — at best — would offer transitional policies; but Biden's proposed $6 trillion trifecta of bills, if all enacted, would be transformational. These programs of relief, recovery, and rebuilding of American society would be paid for by the richest Americans and corporations, who have benefited most economically in the last several decades, even during the pandemic. It’s important to note that the women and Black voters who elected Biden, and whose organizing turned Georgia blue, made these dramatic government proposals for rescue, jobs, family, and children possible.

These plans are not just about good politics or good policy — they’re about what government can do to relieve human suffering, about whom government should invest in. These are not just political matters but ethical ones.

So let’s look at Biden’s three big plans from a moral, theological, and biblical perspective.




Our Latest

‘Not Everything That You Want Is Righteous for You to Buy’ (by Mitchell Atencio)

Talking with the creator of @PreachersNSneakers on rich pastors, capitalism, and why we should all examine our spending habits.

German Priests Defy Vatican Ban by Blessing Same-Sex Unions (by Enrique Anarte, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Hundreds of blessings are taking place across the country as part of the “Liebe Gewinnt” or “Love Wins” initiative.

What We Miss When We Say ‘Accountability, Not Justice’ (by Brian Hamilton)

It’s a mistake to reserve the word “justice” for a utopian future; justice is a daily labor.

Who Is The Real Monster? Reviewing Netflix’s ‘Monster’ (by Josiah R. Daniels)

Anthony Mandler’s new film pushes audiences to question the U.S. penal system, not the people caught in it.


From the Magazine

When Conspiracy Theories Come To Church (by Gina Ciliberto)

How to deprogram followers of Trumpism and other extremist cults.


Sojourners Spring Matching Gift Challenge

Two longtime Sojourners supporters are offering a timely challenge to our community this spring. Their combined gift of $50,000 will mean that your donation will be matched, going twice as far to advance the work of justice. Don’t wait – double your gift to Sojourners today!

Tell the Senate to Reauthorize VAWA

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) became a law 25 years ago, providing crucial protections for women and survivors of domestic violence. VAWA is now up for reauthorization but is being held up in the Senate. Please ask your senators to vote for this important bill.


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