Monday, May 10, 2021 - Chauvin sentencing

Derek Chauvin was recently found guilty on all charges in the murder of George Floyd. Sufiyah believes that if Chauvin had not been a police officer, he would have faced more serious charges. Now, Sufiyah is calling for the maximum fair sentencing allowed by Minnesota state law. They believe this will demonstrate to police nationwide that they will be held accountable for their crimes.

Fair Sentencing In Response To The Murder Of George Floyd

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Judge Peter A. Cahill
Hennepin County Courthouse
Fourth Judicial District
(612) 348-2040

Your Honor,

If Derek Michael Chauvin were not a "police officer", his actions would likely be considered intentional. It could have been argued that what he did was premeditated, Sec. 609.185 MN Statutes, no matter how short the time frame. However, the prosecution took the direction that could leave no reasonable doubt and the jurors unanimously found him guilty — on the counts of second-degree (unintentional) murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.

Given the trauma that this murder has inflicted on George Perry Floyd’s family, his loved ones, on first-hand witnesses, and to the witnesses all over the world, and in spite that our prisons are not rehabilitative in nature (are designed to be punitive), I think it is still in the best interest of society that Derek Michael Chauvin is given an enhanced (or) maximum fair sentencing in accordance with Minnesota State Law. Sec. 609.19 MN Statutes states, "may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years". With respect to the sometimes predatory nature of policing and police immunity, it is appropriate to demonstrate that our police are not above the law by issuing the maximum fair sentence, permitted under Minnesota State Law.

Derek Chauvin may not have a prior criminal record. However, he has a record of complaints for the use of "excessive force". Given the nature of his crime, I urge you to take these, as well as all the aggravating factors, into consideration. Thank you, Your Honor - Judge Cahill, for heeding our urgent call to action this year 2021.

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