Friday, May 14, 2021

Important accompaniment updates

For almost 80 years, PPF has opposed militarism and state violence in the US and around the world. This week we have seen the violence of colonialism takes lives from Palestine to Colombia to the U.S. To stay up to date with ongoing advocacy needs, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Today, we want to share with you some updates and opportunities for accompaniment of our partners in Colombia and in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
Update from Accompaniment Partners in Mexico
"A few days ago, the municipal government removed the tent by the border crossing. This was the tent in which asylum seekers waited their turn. The local government used COVID-19 as a basis for the order to remove the tent for reasons of public health, but that makes no sense since the pandemic started more than a year ago and they only made this decision recently. They sent the city garbage detail to take everything away. That shows what they think of us and our work. They could have sent the police or some other municipal office but they sent the trash workers."

Statements on State Violence in Colombia to Repress Protests
For those looking for information on the ongoing repressive state violence in Colombia, this site provides an overview. The Peace Commission of the Presbyterian Church of Colombia has issued a statement:

"Colombia groans and weeps for the victims, more than 20 people dead, 89 disappeared, hundreds wounded and arrested. We emphatically reject the violent acts which have left so many people dead, wounded, disappeared, tortured, and raped—all of it the result of the unbridled use of force without regard for proportionality and even making use of weapons prohibited under international agreements. We urge the government to carefully investigate events to determine who carried out these crimes, which are fitting of a state that abuses human rights and which threaten the rule of law. State forces exist in order to safeguard the life, honor, and property of the people, the essential element in the list being life; therefore, these forces must not exceed their constitutional limits. The State cannot justify institutional violence. Life is sacred."

Read the full statement in English and in Spanish.

Over 20 civil organizations also issued their own joint statement rebuking the violence and calling for international investigation, advocacy, dialogue, and protection:

"As human rights, faith, labor, environmental, Colombian-American, and other organizations concerned with human rights and peace in Colombia, we denounce the brutal repression of protest in Colombia over the last several days. Since the protests began, there have been an alarming number of deaths caused by police violence, wounding of protesters and police, sexual assaults, arbitrary detentions, and disappearances of demonstrators, as well as attacks against human rights defenders providing monitoring and verification. We call for respect for the right to peaceful protest and the right to defend human rights. We call for de-escalation and dialogue and for protesters to use peaceful means to express their demands."

Read that full statement, which PPF signed on to, in English and in Spanish.

This Pentecost, as we raise funds for accompaniment and other work that PPF continues to do, we are also raising money for our partners in the Presbyterian Church of Colombia. Keep an eye out for more details in an email next week or give a gift now.

Join the Alternative Migrant Trail Walk
Join the Alternative Migrant Trail Walk - a week of community and education focused on border solidarity May 30-June 6 (dates updated from last week's email!). Registration fees will (in part) support CAME, our partner for accompaniment in Agua Prieta. Sliding scale registration available.

If you sign up for the Migrant Trail experience, you are also welcome to join the PPF cohort. A drop-in space will be available for processing and connecting with other PPFers on May 31 and June 3 at 2:00pm ET. Share what you’re learning and feeling as you virtually walk with others supporting migrants.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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