Monday, May 24, 2021 - Sexual assault at USD

Warning: The following contains reference to sexual assault.

Recently, a female USD student felt forced to transfer schools because her rapist was allowed back on campus after only a one-month suspension. Christina knows this is not a unique story at the University of San Diego. She believes the school protects perpetrators while abandoning survivors. Join her in demanding that USD protect its students by holding perpetrators accountable.

Hold USD perpetrators accountable

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The students of the University of San Diego (USD) demand that USD holds rapists and perpetrators of sexual assault accountable. The University of San Diego decided that Jane Doe’s* rapist would be allowed back onto campus after just a one semester suspension, forcing her to transfer schools to protect her own physical and mental safety. The school not only decided that the rapist’s presence at this school takes precedence over the survivor’s, but that the reckless destruction of Jane Doe’s very sense of self matters so little. Jane Doe’s story is not unique at this institution; USD repeatedly protects perpetrators while shaming and abandoning survivors.

By allowing rapists back on campus, USD is putting all students and members of the campus community in danger. This is unacceptable. Hundreds of students expressed their opinions in the comment section of @uofsandiego on Instagram, but instead of listening to the worried, and disgusted words of students, you silenced voices by turning off the comments on Instagram posts. 

This case is not unique, but serves as an example of USD’s continued lack of support to survivors. Why should Jane Doe* be forced to transfer when her abuser is welcomed to stay? The University of San Diego must acknowledge its internal issues as well as the students’ demands to hold perpetrators accountable. USD has shown its lack of empathy or care to support survivors by letting students guilty of assault to walk our campus.

Furthermore, we demand that the FSL office holds members accountable for their actions, especially after there was no action taken for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, within the past year, had two members found guilty of sexual assault. The leadership of this chapter has done nothing to educate their members, or respond to these convictions. Because of this, Beta Theta Pi should be removed from campus immediately. Members of FSL found guilty of committing sexual assault should be removed from their organization, and the campus community. Beta Theta Pi’s and FSL’s lack of response to their involvement in perpetuating issues of sexual assault on campus is disturbing. 

We will not tolerate the university supporting and continuing rape culture any further.


*Jane Doe’s identity is hidden for privacy reasons

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