Tuesday, June 2, 2020

It's time for (Virtual) Peace Camp and an end to white supremacy

We are witnessing a global moment of unprecedented loss, suffering, and also possibility; nothing is or will be left unchanged. That includes the Presbyterian General Assembly this June.

Even though GA will be virtual and pared down to only the business that is “critical” for the church’s institutional maintenance (budgets, elections), we know that the true calling of the Church remains the same: to be peacemakers and preach the Gospel by practicing justice in our families, communities, and world. That’s why we are hosting this Presbyterian Peace Camp: A Virtual Week of Learning, Prayer, and Action June 18-27.

All Presbyterians–commissioners to the 224th GA, those who are curious about the work of the PC(USA) for peace & justice, and those who have been involved in social movements in the PC(USA) for a long time–are invited as we delve into some of the most pressing issues of our world that were scheduled to be discussed at GA.

You are invited to participate in teach-ins and learn ways forward together through actions we can take in our own communities, mourn the loss the pandemic has wrought on our world and imagine the new world breaking in through vigils, practice joy and care as we connect with each other even from a distance, and imagine the world we are trying to create together through daily devotionals.

Do you know who your General Assembly (GA) Commissioners are?
Forward this email to them to be sure they know about Peace Camp -- and to anyone else you think would be interested in joining us!
The United States is reeling from the effects of racism in our world. We stand with our siblings of color who deal with the violence of racism and white supremacy every day, and now more than ever in this time of pandemic and climate change.

The gospel of Jesus Christ compels us to work for peace in the world for all people and all creation. This means, we must respond to and end racism.

Here are some resources for white Presbyterians to use to work for an antiracist world.
Looking for eco-friendly outfits for Zoom meetings, working (or not) from home, or something to wear on your day off if your job is essential? Want to make every day Earth Day?

Order a t-shirt by June 10 and show your support for Fossil Free PC(USA) wherever you are to whoever can see you!

Don't just give thanks for our earth. Give support to its care.

Fossil Free PCUSA relies on the support of the people and presbyteries who care about this work. We are grateful for financial contributions great and small, and invite you to give as you are able. Donate here.

We are also seeking congregations who are able to help back this work in bigger ways. Will you ask your congregation or presbytery to commit $500 to Fossil Free PCUSA before the next General Assembly? For more information contact the rev. abby mohaupt, FFPCUSA Moderator, at forcreation@fossilfreepcusa.org
Copyright © 2020 Fossil Free PCUSA, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up for more information on the divestment from fossil fuel movement in the PC(USA).

Our mailing address is:
Fossil Free PCUSA
c/o Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
17 Cricketown Rd.
Stony Point, NY 10980

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