Friday, June 12, 2020

Presbyterian Peace & Justice - A Time of Reflection and Action

Justice for Black Lives sign
As the nation reflects on a solemn milestone -- 100,000 lives lost to the coronavirus -- and reels from the violent deaths of unarmed African Americans by police, the work of Compassion, Peace & Justice takes on more urgency. Read about how CPJ ministries are highlighting racial disparities and injustice, reaching out to marginalized communities and helping to address the root causes of hunger, homelessness and inequality.
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‘Racism is a sin against humanity’
George Floyd mural
Calling racism "a sin against humanity," the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness expressed outrage at the death of George Floyd and called on Presbyterians to take action in the wake of his death.
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Synergy between PC(USA) assembly and Poor People's Campaign continues online
Poor People's Campaign
The Poor People's Campaign will hold its Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington on Saturday, June 20. The online event will take place during the opening days of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly, which also will be a virtual event.
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At many churches, homeless ministries continue through the pandemic
homeless ministry
The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many congregations across the United States to adapt their ministries to people who are homeless or living in marginal housing.
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‘Anti-racist effort is not optional for us as Christians’
The Rev. Laura Cheifetz outlined the country’s history of anti-Asian racism during the second segment of "COVID at the Margins," a new series of virtual discussions on how the pandemic is affecting communities of color.
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COVID at the margins virtual meeting
Presbyterian Hunger Program releases video of its work
PHP at Work Around the World video cover image
A new video showcases the work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, which strives to alleviate hunger and eliminate the underlying causes.
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three men of color
Self-Development of People, which turns 50 this year, grew in part from the church’s response to the Black Manifesto
The Committee on the Self-Development of People grew out of the tumultuous events of 1969 when James Forman called for "Christian white churches and Jewish synagogues" to pay $500 million in reparations to African Americans. Forman titled his list of demands the "Black Manifesto."
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Just Talk Live virtual meeting
Understanding protest
As major cities around the country were rocked by protests over the death of George Floyd, a special episode of "Just Talk Live" helped viewers to understand the right to protest. The talk show is the result of a partnership between "Unbound: An Interactive Journal on Christian Social Justice" and the Young Adult Volunteer Program of PC(USA).
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GA changes will delay divestment recommendations, but corporate engagement will continue
Joseph Kinard and Rob Fohr
Despite the announced delay to much of the 224th General Assembly's business, the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment will continue corporate engagement and monitoring companies. A full statement from MRTI leadership has been released.
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peacemaking virtual choir meeting
Peacemaking assembles global virtual choir
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program has brought together a global virtual choir of peacemakers. They include past International Peacemakers and their hosts, participants in Travel Study Seminars and Mosaic of Peace Conferences in Israel and Palestine. Some friends and colleagues also were involved.
Listen now
Ryan Smith
Presbyterian ministry at the United Nations calls for a global ceasefire
Earlier this year, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for a global ceasefire in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not unlike the Olympic Truce, called for every two years before the Olympic Games, this ceasefire is necessary and hopeful for our world, but war and war business keep leaders fighting, according to the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.
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Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
Matthew 25 banner
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are more than 530 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Learn about this bold vision
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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Louisville, KY 40202
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