Thursday, June 18, 2020

Middle East & Armenia Outreach News

Right now, a normal meal is a "dream come true" for hundreds of Armenians living in Syria
After nine years of war in Syria, our Armenian brothers and sisters finally saw some glimpses of normalcy: The airport in Aleppo reopened and so did the highways. Conflict and hardship still ensued, but at least there was hope for rehabilitation and restoration.

And then, in March, the pandemic brought more hardship. Syria is now confronting the toughest challenge of its nine-year war, due to unemployment, high inflation, severe devaluation of the Syrian currency and the dire economic situation caused by the pandemic. Medical and economic sanctions imposed on Syria make everything more difficult.

With prices for vital goods so high, many already live in poverty. They must stand in line for hours for rationed food and fuel to cook. In this environment, social distancing is not realistic. With many in poor health, they are at risk of COVID-19 infection.
Despite the pandemic, JMP remains dedicated to providing emergency relief services and programs to those in greatest need. Our committed and compassionate staff gear up in masks and gloves to provide health services and medicine to the ill, rent for those who need shelter, clothing to help keep people warm, and food stamps, so they remain nourished.

Now more than ever, JMP needs help from friends like you. Please consider doubling your support to help pay for rent, food stamps and clothing for those in urgent need, and personal protective equipment for JMP staff to remain safe. According to our Syrian country director, "Right now, a normal meal would be a dream come true for them." You can make that possible. For $600, you can cover annual rent, food and basic monthly supplies for a family in need.

Please contact me to learn more about helping our brothers and sisters.
Eliza Minasyan, Executive Director
Jinishian Memorial Program

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" -- (Matthew 25:35).
In gratitude
Please read JMP’s 2019 Gratitude Report and share with others.
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Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are more than 530 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
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