Saturday, June 6, 2020 - Act now against racism

Since so many of us saw the video of George Floyd’s killing at the hands of the Minneapolis Police, our country has been rocked by protests demanding an end to police brutality and centuries of systemic racism. 
Perhaps you’ve signed the biggest petition ever on, “Justice for George Floyd”, with more than 15 million others, or you’ve signed other petitions for racial justice. As you can see, historic doesn’t even begin to cover how huge this moment is.
People like you are asking what else they can do, so here’s the first “Action Justice Change” email with urgent action you can take to fight systemic racism and send the message that Black lives matter until everyone hears it. 
One of the first steps toward justice is holding police accountable for violence. The National Police Accountability Project (NPAP) is dedicated to ensuring that law enforcement officers face consequences for violence and misconduct. While we fight for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade, we know that justice for their families will not end a flawed justice system. Click here to donate to The NPAP to help keep Black families safe by ending police brutality.
Keep reading below for more about what you can do right now.
Read the article
Take action for Breonna
Share the video on Facebook
Join the Black Lives Matter global movement

P.S. This is a crucial moment to raise your voice for what’s right. You can do that by starting a free petition on our site. Consider starting a free petition for positive change in your community.
P.P.S. If you no longer want to receive “Action Justice Change” emails let us know here.

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