Monday, January 18, 2021 - Stop the sale of the ANWR for oil drilling

This petition is taking off on, and we think you might be interested in adding your name. Sign now to help:

Stop the sale of the ANWR for oil drilling

tabi from twitter started this petition to United States Department of the Interior, Donald J. Trump, Bureau of Land Management and it now has 8,213 signatures

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Drilling in the Arctic Refuge would be disastrous for wildlife and the Indigenous people who live there. Every single one of the 32 tracts that the Bureau of Land Management is considering selling off for drilling on the Arctic Refuge coastal plain include sensitive resources that would be threatened by drilling. It is well documented that and gas developments and infrastructure disrupt wildlife and natural resources, both of which are essential to the Indigenous people living on the coastal plain.

The Porcupine Caribou herd is especially in danger. The entire coastal plain is critical for the caribou to raise their young, and caribou mothers are particularly sensitive to disruptions in their habitats. The Gwich’in people have a deep cultural and spiritual connection with the caribou, and depend on the Porcupine Caribou herd for about 80% of their diet. Without any habitat for the caribou their way of life will be threatened. Continuing with the plan to drill on the coastline would ultimately threaten the lives of the Gwich’in people, who have lived and depended on the coastal plain for generations. Human lives are not worth sacrificing for corporate greed. 

Aside from the clear violations of human rights, destroying the Alaskan environment for oil would also be extremely harmful for polar bears. Almost all of the coastal plain is designated as critical denning habitat for polar bears under the Endangered Species Act. Keeping this area free from disturbances is essential for the survival of newborn cubs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has admitted that leasing in areas where polar bears den will negatively effect polar bears.

We cannot allow the Alaskan environment to be destroyed. 

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