Monday, January 11, 2021

PPL ENEWS - Jan 2021- Persevere. Pray. Protect.


Life Teams: Don't Give Up - Persevere!

by PPL Board Member Rev. Lowell Avery

One of the ways we urge folks to champion human life is by helping them form a Life Team, and you can find helpful information about doing so on our website.


However, there are many challenges to developing a Life Team, and here is one of the most difficult to overcome: the temptation to just give up. Or to put it more positively, in the face of all the hardships, struggles, resistance, and even failures, how does one persevere? Every person in every Life Team in every church will eventually have to deal with headwinds and perhaps even some form of suffering. So what do we do? Each person and group will have to work out their own approach, but I urge you to do four things:

Call to Prayer

By PPL Executive Director, Deborah Hollifield

“For in Him all things were created,
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
All things were created through Him and for Him. 

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 


Colossians 1:16-17


As we turn the calendar away from the serial crises that were 2020, it feels like false optimism to imagine that crossing an imaginary line into 2021 will bring the fresh start that we associate with most new years.  Surely there should be an earthquake or a comet signaling the coming of a New Era – or, as the world’s  economic gurus have christened it, some “Great Reset.” Christ-followers are spending more time looking up.  Each morning some people wake up and joyfully exclaim, “It seems we’re still here!” while others wake and sadly sigh, “It seems we’re still here.”  Which one are you?

PPL Resources

Download the 2021 Life Sunday bulletin insert to equip your congregation with this practical pro-life action checklist. Click the link to Life Sunday page below to download a free, printable insert and find additional resources for planning a Life Sunday worship service.

Life Sunday Bulletins |

Download worship bulletins for Life Sunday; Find ideas for celebrating Life Sunday in your church; Print a sample order of service for Life Sunday

Life Teams | PPL Site

Get involved with PPL! Start a PPL Life Team in your church to equip your congregation to champion life at every stage!

PPL Recommends these Life Team pages

Fair Oaks Church - Champions of Life

The gospel is the greatest rescue story every told. We believe the gospel, sing about it, teach it and out of gratitude, we live it. Christians are "rescued rescuers." We do this by: steeping ourselves in the gospel integrating life issues into the church's ministries and outreach serving the church by engaging, encouraging and equipping.

Light & Life

SAVE THE DATE: The mission of the Light & Life Ministry is to equip Presbyterians and other reformed bodies to champion the sanctity of human life and to increase awareness of the devastating effects of child loss before birth due to abortion.

Thank you 2021 Supporters of PPL!

You have helped us continue our mission through a very difficult year. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor in 2021? Our monthly donors are vital partners in this ministry. Simply click on the Give Now button above, set the amount in the simple form and choose "monthly" as the frequency of donations. Thank you!


All gifts are used to equip Presbyterians to

champion human life at every stage!

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