Monday, January 11, 2021 - Save The Sharks


This petition is taking off on, and we think you might be interested in adding your name. Sign now to help:

Save The Sharks

Katie Vordenberg started this petition to President of the United States, Marco Rubio, Gavin Newsom, California State House, Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, Tulsi Gabbard, Brian Schatz, Hawaii State Senate, Ted Cruz, Texas State House, Texas Gov... and it now has 43,105 signatures

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My goal with this petition is to create awareness about sharks and hopefully create better laws to protect them.  More than 100 million sharks are being killed every year for their fins.  They have their fins cut off, and are thrown back into the ocean to die slowly.  Sharks are needed in the world because they serve a massive part in our ecosystem.  They balance out the oceans and remove the weak and the sick.  They ensure species diversity.  Their disappearance can set off a chain reaction throughout the ocean and even effect the people who are on the shore.  Many shark species are being threatened with extinction because they don’t have the chance to reproduce quick enough with the amount that are being killed each year.  Sharks are “functionally extinct” in one of five of the worlds coral reefs.  This finning of sharks will affect the environment, and the food chain massively.  Keep our sharks safe and in the water where they belong.  Every signature helps and is beneficial to helping these magnificent creatures repopulate and get off of the endangered list.  It is estimated that by 2040 sharks will be completely extinct.  Lets help reverse this, and change the world one step at a time.  Save the sharks.

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