Monday, November 16, 2020

Tell Emily Murphy to release presidential transition funds

SojoAction Alert

Joe Biden has been elected the 46th president of the United States, but a little-known governmental office called the General Services Administration (GSA), is currently holding up funds for the presidential transition. These funds are critical for the new administration to get up to speed and begin work in January. Will you join us in telling GSA Administrator Emily Murphy to put partisan politics aside and take the necessary steps for a peaceful transfer of power?

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Normally, the GSA administrator issues a letter of “ascertainment” indicating that the election result is known. Withholding the letter of ascertainment, as Administrator Murphy is doing, means the transition teams cannot do their work.

Not only does this ignore the will of the people, but it weakens the authority of President-elect Biden’s transition teams, as they are unable to meet with their counterparts in the Trump administration, get up to speed on critical threats facing the nation, or conduct background checks for Cabinet nominees that require top-secret access.

Please take action to tell Emily Murphy to listen to voters and enact the will of the people.

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Thank you for using your voice!

In faith,

Susanna Bean
Digital Mobilizing Manager

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