Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Webinar This Wednesday June 12th


Divesting from Fossil Fuel Industries

Listening to the Church of Scotland, United Reformed Church in the United Kingdom and the World Communion of Reformed Churches

American Presbyterians have talked about divesting from fossil fuel industries for years.   Historically our denomination has been a leader in the ecumenical movement.  Today as the world facing increasing harm from the climate crisis, we would benefit from listening to church leaders outside of the USA to hear their perspectives and what they are doing to make a difference in caring for God’s creation. Our hope is viewers will better understand why it is critical we act now and how acting now is unlikely to hurt yield from our investments.  Please encourage your Presbytery’s Commissioners to General Assembly to register for this webinar.

Webinar Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Time: 12:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am Central, 10:00 am Mountain, 9:00 am Pacific)

Presenters: Philip Vinod Peacock, Executive Secretary for Justice and Witness of the World Communion of Reformed Churches; Val Brown, Head of Christian Aid Scotland; Roo Stewart, Head of Public Issues for the United Reformed Church; Bruce Gillette, Moderator for Presbyterians for Earth Care

*This webinar will be recorded and made available to all who register.*

CLICK HERE for Webinar Registration

Philip Vinod Peacock is the Executive Secretary for Justice and Witness of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, a communion comprised of 100 million Christians in Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United, Uniting and Waldensian churches. The WCRC, working with its 233 member churches, is active in supporting theology, justice, church unity and mission in over 105 countries.  Previous to this appointment, he worked as Associate Professor at Bishop's College, a Theological College belonging to his Church of North India.  Divestment of fossil fuel industries was adopted without debate by the Executive Committee of 2019 and is part of the ethical investment policy of the WCRC.


Val Brown is currently head of Christian Aid Scotland. She chaired the Church of Scotland’s special commission on ethical investments and now chairs the Ethical Oversight committee that grew out of that work.  The Church of Scotland gradually took action on divestment over multiple general assemblies, but the summary is in this document: Special Committee on the Ethics of Investment Practice report (churchofscotland.org.uk)

Roo Stewart is Head of Public Issues for the United Reformed Church. Roo’s role within the URC Mission Team is to help the URC to pray, speak and act for peace and justice. The URC has around 1,200 congregations in Scotland, England and Wales. Around one third of URC congregations are part of Local Ecumenical Partnerships, in formal partnerships with Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans and others. This ecumenical working extends to Roo’s role within the Joint Public Issues Team, which includes representatives from the Methodist Church of Great Britain, the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Church of Scotland. They collaborate on projects around refugees and asylum seeking, seeking better politics, poverty, economic systems, peace making, and caring for the environment.  The experience in the URC has been hugely positive around this divestment, not just because of the clear message given from the Church to the public and fossil fuel companies, but most recently because one of the key investment management companies they influence is creating a specific ‘URC’ investment portfolio, which follows our ethics on divestment from fossil fuels, weapons and most recently (they expect) on divestment in Israel-based businesses; this will be available for anyone to select as an ethical fund for their investments. The URC’s journey to fossil fuel divestment can be told through these links: https://brightnow.org.uk/news/united-reformed-church-to-divest-from-fossil-fuels/ and https://urc.org.uk/all-13-synods-now-divested-from-fossil-fuels/


Bruce Gillette, Moderator for Presbyterians for Earth Care, wrote the overture approved by the 2016 PC(USA) General Assembly and Presbyteries that amended the Book of Order by adding the phrase “caring for God’s creation” as a responsibility for all church members.  He also wrote the original draft of “Creation and Unity” report approved by the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ 2017 General Council meeting in Germany. He earlier served on the Executive Committee for the Consultation for Church Union as it became Churches United in in Christ.  Bruce helped found Delaware Interfaith Power & Light,   Bruce and his wife, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, were the co-pastors of Limestone Presbyterian Church in Delaware when it installed 180 solar panels on its sanctuary roof and built community and rain gardens.  They earlier served the First Presbyterian Church in Pitman, NJ, a community that was once the number one clean-up site for the EPA Superfund.  Bruce & Carolyn are the pastors of the First Presbyterian Union Church in Owego, NY.  Tropical Storm Lee flooded 95% of the Village of Owego several years before the Gillettes began to serve there.

CLICK HERE for Webinar Registration

Interfaith Power & Light’s annual Solar Financing for Congregations webinar on June 13 - learn about ways to finance solar for your congregation, including an overview of Direct Pay and a testimonial from a congregation that has already filed for it.

The webinar will be on June 13 at 12 pm Eastern. 

Mark your calendars, and register here.

With the passage of the historic climate legislation that offers nonprofits a discount on renewable energy investments, many more congregations are considering solar. 

The webinar will start with the different ways congregations can finance solar from Jerry Bernstein, who has coached many IPL congregations in going solar.


Then we’ll get an overview of Direct Pay from Miguel Yanez, from the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, with the latest updates.

Maggie Chappen, the Senior Warden from St Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, will share her experience filing for Direct Pay for their solar installation. Her testimonial picks up after the last webinar IPL co-sponsored on pre-registration for direct pay filing.

Finally, we’ll hear from our friends at Energy Sage, an electrification marketplace helping IPL congregations find solar and heat pump installers in many states.

Register here for the Solar Financing for Congregations Webinar.

Invite your congregation’s building committee, governing board, or green team to join the webinar to get inspired to take action to heal the climate at your house of worship.

Faith communities are building a movement of people of faith and conscience that shows the world that we can all take concrete and achievable steps to safeguard the climate for future generations.

This summer IPL is partnering with Bullfrog Films to bring the documentary film, “Cooked: Survival by Zip Code”, to your attention for your summer film screenings. Click the image above to view the trailer.

This summer is predicted to be the hottest on record according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with temperatures 30 to 50 percent above normal in much of the United States. Extreme heat harms human health, especially the elderly and outdoor workers, with 2300 deaths nationwide in 2023, a number that is increasing annually.

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code delves into the story of the worst heat disaster in U.S. history in 1995 in Chicago, when 739 residents—mostly elderly and black—died over the course of one week. The film links the deadly heat wave’s devastation back to the manmade disaster of structural racism, shining a light on the issues of poverty, race, class, and education that underlie how natural disasters take lives.

Bullfrog Films is offering a 50% discount for IPL congregations to screen the film between June 15 – July 15, 2024. The license valued at $100, is available for IPL congregations for this limited time for only $50.

“Cooked is a jolting reminder of the tragedy, and a scathing indictment of the social conditions that allowed so many to die – with the overwhelming majority of victims being minorities, the elderly, the poor…For those who don’t know the story: You need to see this movie.”

Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun Times

Click Here for More Information

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at presbyearthcare@gmail.com

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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