Monday, June 17, 2024

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Newsletter - Don't Forget to Register Our Events at Ghost Ranch!

June 2024

Hey folks!

This is a friendly reminder that registration is now open for two exciting in-person events happening this summer at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico!

First up is the Jim Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage , running from August 22nd to 25th. This dynamic event is dedicated to empowering clergy and lay leaders with essential Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) skills for congregational use. Join us to gain invaluable insights and tools to make a real impact in your community.

Following that, from August 25th to 28th, don’t miss the 2024 Activist Council In-person Gathering. This is your opportunity to connect with passionate PPF community members, celebrate our shared history, and collaboratively shape the future of peacemaking. It’s a time for inspiration, collaboration, and forging lasting bonds.

Excited to join us? Scroll down for more details and register now to secure your spot. Let’s make this summer unforgettable together!

See you at Ghost Ranch!

- The PPF Team

Jim Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage

August 22nd-25th

The Gun Violence Prevention's Atwood Institute aims to train clergy and lay leaders/teams in various Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) skills for congregational use, including preaching and discussing GVP, managing conflict and trauma, fostering courage and resilience, and engaging congregations and communities in practical GVP education and action. The institute also offers hands-on training for Gun to Gardens events and other projects.

Learn More & Register Here

2024 Activist Council In-person Gathering

August 25th-28th

Join in for a gathering of friends new and old as we unveil the next iteration of PPF. Connect with your fellow peacemakers, pray, play, plan, sing, and build as we celebrate 80 years of shared history and look ahead to the next generation of peacemaking work, together! Be renewed, inspired, and energized for the road ahead! Watch for upcoming information on registration, guest speakers, and workshops. Hope to see you there!

Learn More & Register Here

Empowering Positive Change Together

As the needs of our community shift, our dedication to enhancing the well-being of all remains steadfast. Your contribution plays a vital role in making this mission achievable.

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Phone: (845) 786-6743

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown Road | Stony Point, NY 10980 US

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