Saturday, June 4, 2022

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Sharing a transition

Sharing a transition
Dear friends,

We’re writing to share the news that Alison Wood is stepping down from her position as PPF’s accompaniment coordinator this month. We are sad to see her leaving a role that she has filled so well, but also understand that, after more than two years of holding down two jobs, focusing on one is both good stewardship and good discernment.

As Alison wrote to the Activist Council last week, she shares this decision “with a strong sense of clarity and a strong sense of sadness.” We share that sadness both in this parting and in what feels like dreams for accompaniment lost to the pandemic. At the same time, we also celebrate Alison’s clarity of purpose.

Even more, we celebrate Alison’s ministry with PPF, and we invite you to celebrate with us. We will gather on Zoom, Friday, June 17, 7:00 p.m. EDT, to say “thank you” for all that Alison has done with PPF dating back to her time as an accompanier in Colombia in 2014. We thank her for the friendships, and for caring deeply about the work and even more deeply about the people doing the work. We’ll have chance to offer our blessings on all that comes next.

In our gatherings and in our partings, we belong to God.

abby, Bob, and David
Co-executive Moderators of PPF and Interim Executive Director

Monthly News
Each month we will share an overview of upcoming actions and opportunities.

Wednesdays thru June 29th - Fossil Free PCUSA Divestment Meetings - Join organizers to prepare for the PC(USA)’s General Assembly work divesting from fossil fuels. This weekly meeting is a relaxed, meme-filled space for questions and strategizing. Drop-in as you’re able!

June 11 - March for our Lives - a national march for gun violence prevention in DC and in over 300 locations across the country. March with other Presbyterians in DC and Wherever you march let us know and use the hashtag #PresbysMarchForOurLives.

June 11 - Guns to Gardens National Day of Action - Join with congregations and other across the country for these safe surrender events where guns are dismantled so they can be turned into garden tools. Find an event near you.

June 12 - An Evening of Abolition Art and Testimony - Gather for an evening where we celebrate the visionary work of abolitionists and raise money for those who are working directly with those who are incarcerated.

June 18 - PCUSA General Assembly Begins - This year the assembly will gather in a hybrid model. Learn more about how to engage at our resource page.

June 19 - PCUSA Juneteenth Worship Service - Tune in for the Juneteenth service this year with Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II preaching.

July 3 - Peace Breakfast for Dinner - Come and hear keynote speaker and climate activist Svitlana Romanko and to celebrate our Peaceseeker awardees!
If you follow the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly, be sure to also connect with us in the special Facebook group we've organized for this year's assembly.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

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