Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Action Alert - Webinar and Resources in Response to COVID-19

A Faith Response to COVID-19: Part II Webinar

The Office of Public Witness is co-sponsoring part II of the “A Faith Response to COVID-19” webinar series. This webinar will explain important details of the recently passed C.A.R.E.S. Act, the positive provisions, and the key priorities that were left out. We will also look at implications of COVID-19 and the recent legislation on a variety of issues and populations. The second half of this webinar will be an advocacy training about how to set up and conduct virtual meetings with congressional offices.
Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday, April 7th, at 4 pm. The faith voice is incredibly important in this moment. We hope you will join and spread the word! Click here to register.
Grants for Congregations and Mid-councils
As the Coronavirus continues to be a public health concern, churches are adjusting to keep their communities safe. However, social distancing guidelines create financial challenges for many faith communities. The Presbyterian Mission Agency and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is offering grants to congregations and mid-councils experiencing hardship because of the Coronavirus. Click here for more information.
More resources for COVID-19 can be found at www.pcusa.org/covid19
Tell Congress to Protect ALL Workers!
We know that worker health is public health—and worker health is in crisis as we face the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, critical provisions to protect health care and other frontline workers did not make it into the coronavirus response laws enacted thus far. We need your help to fix that. Call on Congress today and throughout the week to demand Occupational Safety and Health Administration take immediate action to protect workers! The full action alert can be found here.

Urge Congress and the Administration to Lift Sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela to Help Fight COVID-19!
U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela put many people at risk amid COVID-19. The economic toll resulting from these sanctions have led to a shortage of lifesaving medicine and medical supplies in both countries. During this crisis, the world must come together to effectively fight COVID-19. Contact the administration and your members of Congress today! Urge them to make every effort to stop the COVID-19 by easing the sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela and helping the most vulnerable get the medical care and equipment they need. The full action alert can be found here.

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