Thursday, September 21, 2023

WCC News: Church of Ireland launches appeal to help survivors of Libya floods

The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for World Aid and Development has launched a disaster appeal in response to the catastrophic flooding in Libya. The floods, which were triggered by a Mediterranean storm, were focused on the city of Derna where almost 4,000 people are known to have died and over 9,000 are missing after torrents of rain and debris swept away entire districts. 
Flood damage in Derna, port city in eastern Libya. Photo: Dan Church Aid/DCA
21 September 2023

Some 37,000 people in flood-affected areas have been displaced by the storm. The huge number displaced highlights the immediate humanitarian need for survivors now, and into the coming months and years. 

The Bishops’ Appeal will be channelling all funds through Christian Aid, working with DanChurchAid, its ACT Alliance partner with an established presence in Libya since 2011.

DanChurchAid is providing medical support, helping to establish shelters to host homeless families, and distributing basic items such as blankets and bedding, sanitation and hygiene items, and other essentials to people who have lost everything. 

Calling for support for the appeal, Archbishop John McDowell remarked: “I wish to thank those involved in Bishops’ Appeal for their prompt reaction in making this provision and would encourage the members of the Church of Ireland to continue to give generously.” 

Archbishop Michael Jackson added: “The plight of children, women and men in Libya is unthinkable. It is also a reality.  Members of the Church of Ireland working through Bishops’ Appeal have always been generous in responding to devastation and need. I encourage you to pray for and to contribute to this appeal.”

The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal

Further information about Dan Church Aid

Learn more about the The ACT Alliance

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Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) fördert die Einheit der Christen im Glauben, Zeugnis und Dienst für eine gerechte und friedliche Welt. 1948 als ökumenische Gemeinschaft von Kirchen gegründet, gehören dem ÖRK inzwischen 352 Mitgliedskirchen an, die zusammen über 580 Millionen Christen aus protestantischen, orthodoxen, anglikanischen und anderen Traditionen in mehr als 120 Ländern repräsentieren. Es gibt eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Der ÖRK-Generalsekretär ist Pastor Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay von der Presbyterianischen Unionskirche im südlichen Afrika.

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