Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Presbyterian Justice & Peace - The fragility and sacredness of life

hands holding seeds
Lahaina-strong-sign-on building

(Photo courtesy of Gov. Josh Green, Flickr)


Recent natural disasters and tragedies, such as Hurricane Idalia and the mass shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, underscore the need to be alert and proactive, from preparing for storms, flooding and wildfires to counteracting the intolerance that fuels so many acts of hate. We’re also reminded of the fragility and sacredness of life and the state of our warming planet, where the effects of climate change are becoming more and more apparent with each day.


In the September issue of this newsletter, you’ll find stories about how Compassion, Peace & Justice ministries and our partners are responding to issues affecting our world. Read about how CPJ and its partners are walking alongside people affected by the Maui wildfires, promoting peace, equipping people to take action on climate change, and teaching congregations to harness their “people power” to fight poverty and racism. There also are advocacy opportunities and information about Unbound’s new book club.


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance awards grants to help in Maui

A community in Upcountry Maui that endured a wildfire at the same time as Lahaina is receiving a helping hand from concerned Presbyterians who are answering the call to donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).


Podcast highlights gun violence prevention

“A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast” features discussion on how to begin addressing gun violence in communities.

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Matthew 25 workshop speakers promote ‘people power’ as a way to fight poverty

The latest in a series of Matthew 25 webinars provided inspiration and information about using effective strategies for eradicating systemic poverty.

tree frog

(Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc via Unsplash)


Want to be a Climate Ambassador?

Plan now to receive free Climate Ambassador Training, taking place Oct. 28 online.


(Photo by Peter Wendt via Unsplash)

Office of Public Witness champions Farm Bill

The PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness issued an Action Alert encouraging Presbyterians to, among other things, urge their U.S. Senators and House of Representatives members to quickly reauthorize the five-year Farm Bill.


Season of Peace Celebrates 40 years of Peacemaking in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Subscribe to receive this year’s Path of Peace Reflections, featuring contributors who’ve been involved in the peacemaking ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Commitment to Peacemaking.


(Photo by Rich Copley)


Learn the ABCs of advocacy

There’s still time to register for the Young Adult Advocacy Conference taking place Oct. 20-22 in Louisville, Ky. It is free and will offer young people tips on how to advocate for causes they believe in.


Follow Unbound’s new book club

The first Unbound book club is focusing on “Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol.” Participants will go through the book and questions will be asked on social media to prompt engagement. It started Sept. 11, but you can still jump in.


Matthew 25 Summit — Jan. 16–18, 2024, in Atlanta

Join us at the Matthew 25 Summit as we explore this vision together! What does it mean to eradicate poverty; how can we begin dismantling systemic racism; how will we know if we are building a vital congregation? We are offering you an invitation to innovation. A chance to dialogue, learn with and grow with others in exploration at this first-of-its-kind event! Featuring innovative speakers, thriving ministries, transformative workshops and space to imagine what’s next!


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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