Tuesday, September 26, 2023

SojoAction - Tell Congress: Families need care, not funding cliffs!


In just a matter of days, pandemic-approved funding for child care and nutrition assistance will run out, creating a steep drop in investments many are calling a "funding cliff." This rapid change will leave millions of families without vital resources to help care for their children, and thousands of child care providers will have to downsize or close outright. We need care, not funding cliffs!

Email your lawmakers

As people of faith, we believe that children deserve the necessary supports and resources to ensure a flourishing future. Our faith teaches us that every child has the right and opportunity to develop free from toxic stress caused by poverty. Jesus encouraged children to participate in the Kingdom of God (Mark 10:14). Now is the time to model Christ’s love and advocacy for children and ensure they have what they need and deserve to thrive. Access to affordable, high-quality child care and nutrition assistance from WIC fosters Jesus’ holy vision for children to flourish!

If Congress fails to prioritize care for children and families over the next few days: 

  • 70,000 child care centers will close their doors.

  • 3.2 million children will lose access to child care.

  • 600,000 mamas and babies with medical and dietary needs will be turned away from receiving healthy, nutritious food.

Family and community livelihoods are at stake. Urge your lawmakers to prioritize care, not funding cliffs!

In solidarity,


Lauren Morrissey

Digital Organizer for Early Childhood Development

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