Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Presbyterian Justice & Peace - Presbyterian Hunger Program mobilizes around key issues, including poverty, climate change and food justice

hands holding seeds
Food-Literacy-Project-People sitting around picnic tables in the middle of a corn field

(Photo courtesy of the Food Literacy Project)


In this month’s Focus newsletter, you’ll read some of the ways the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) and our partners are working to address hunger, poverty and the climate crisis. Learn about PHP’s impact in 2022, suggestions for congregations addressing the affordable housing crisis, action you can take on anti-hunger programs and more. You also can read about other ways that PHP is making a difference such as recognizing Hunger Action Congregations, connecting the Doctrine of Discovery and land theft, co-hosting a Louisville food summit and promoting the next Climate Ambassador Training.

Cover of the PHP-Post-Summer-2023-man holding a tomato

Read the latest PHP Post addressing root causes and download PHP’s 2022 Impact Report

Affordable-Housing-hands holding a miniature house

Is your congregation considering how to address the affordable housing crisis? Learn from other congregations and read through these suggestions on how to get started


Standing with Atahualpa: Addressing the Roots of the Climate Crisis

Action-Alert-farm-bill-poster-Tell Congress to priortize anti-hunger programs in the 2023 farm bill

The Farm Bill is an enormous piece of legislation that expires at the end of September. Urge Congress to ensure that anti-hunger programs continue to serve our communities

Family standing in front of their home

Doctrine granted Europeans right to indigenous nations

A group from Westminster Presbyterian Church volunteers at a food bank in Madison, Wisconsin. The volunteers load groceries and meals for families. Image-from-Kathy-Kamp_Westminster

Westminster Presbyterian Church uses hunger action work to address cost of living issues in Madison


Join us for the Climate Ambassador Virtual Training on Oct. 28, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern)

People-sitting-in-classroom-listening-to-presenter-foscused on food systems and urban agriculture-MG_2562-by-Andrew-Kang-Bartlett

Presbyterian Hunger Program co-hosts Louisville summit focused on food systems and urban agriculture

(Photo by Andrew Kang Bartlett)

First-Annual-Matthew-25-Summit-in-Atlanta-GA, Jan. 16-18, 2024 logo-mountain-peaks

Matthew 25 Summit — Jan. 16–18, 2024, in Atlanta

Join us at the Matthew 25 Summit as we explore this vision together! What does it mean to eradicate poverty; how can we begin dismantling systemic racism; how will we know if we are building a vital congregation? We are offering you an invitation to innovation. A chance to dialogue, learn with and grow with others in exploration at this first-of-its-kind event! Featuring innovative speakers, thriving ministries, transformative workshops and space to imagine what’s next!


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