Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Voice of the Martyrs - Watch this year's IDOP short feature film, Sejun: Nepal.

Sejun: Nepal poster
Watch Sejun: Nepal
Sejun: Nepal, The Voice of the Martyrs’ short feature film for the 2023 International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP), tells the story of a Nepali boy’s journey from life in a Buddhist monastery to finding new hope in Jesus Christ.

During his nine-year stay in the monastery, Sejun experienced the darkness of Buddhism at the hands of those who supervised him. When he ran away from the monastery at age 13, his family did not welcome his return. But in primary school, Sejun met a godly teacher who shared the gospel with him.

This short feature film will inspire viewers to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who are willing to pay any price to see Buddhists set free by the power of the gospel.


International Day of Prayer poster

Sejun’s powerful story will inspire your family, group, class or church. You can download the short feature film and other free IDOP digital resources to help you pray for Christians, like Sejun, who work to advance the gospel in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ.


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