Monday, September 18, 2023

Together we can #EndFossilFuels

This past weekend, there were 700 #EndFossilFuels actions in 65 countries, on all seven continents, with at least 600,000 participating! In New York City, GreenFaith and many partners joined together for the March to End Fossil Fuels with 50,000-75,000 people attending!

And the action is not over yet! Today and tomorrow, GreenFaith will be joining nonviolent direct actions on the ground in NYC, to keep up the pressure on President Biden and the financiers of continued fossil fuel exploitation.

You can join in the action from home by attending our action hour TODAY at 2 PM ET / 1 CT / 12 MT / 11 AM PT! The GreenFaith US team and Fridays for Future U.S. are convening this multi-generational community space online, so that people can join together to get grounded and take action, from wherever you live! It’s essential that we keep up the pressure and momentum as world leaders convene this Wednesday for the UN Climate Ambition Summit.

Join the action hour and let your voice be heard!

In faith and determination,

Aly Tharp
GreenFaith US Senior Organizer
Faith Hub Co-Coordinator for the March to End Fossil Fuels

P.S. Stay tuned for more great stories and images from the actions this past week, coming your way very soon! If you feel inspired to support our on the ground efforts in NYC (in addition to joining the Action Hour), you can make a donation here.

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