Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Living into Right Relations: September 2023

Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice News from
The United Church of Canada

Statement on Information Shared by the Stó:lō Nation

Two feathers crossed over eachother

This information may be traumatic for residential school survivors, families, and communities. If you are feeling pain or distress, please call the free 24-hour crisis line: 1-866-925-4419. You can also call the First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310. It’s toll-free and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Early truths were shared by the Stó:lō Nation last week. The United Church of Canada, which ran the Coqualeetza residential institution from 1925 to 1940, acknowledges and is saddened by what we have heard.

This includes the confirmation that at least 37 children died at the Coqualeetza institution. To date there is no information on possible unmarked burial sites, and neither has a known cemetery on the grounds been located. The United Church will continue to share any new information we uncover to help in these searches.

Read the full statement from The United Church of Canada.

[Image credit: fotoco-istock]

The Moderator's Orange Shirt Day Message

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne in front of stained glass

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne urges us to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day, on September 30. This is a day to reflect, pray, learn, and honour survivors, their families, and the communities affected by Indian Residential Schools and those who operated them. For non-Indigenous Christians in particular, this is a time to reflect on their role in colonialism and the ongoing responsibility to make reparations.
One way that we can show Indigenous youth that they matter is by investing in the Waase-Aabin program, which awards scholarships to post-secondary Indigenous students, ages 18-29, who demonstrate economic need and academic excellence. 
On September 30, and every day, we must remember that every child matters.

Watch or download the Moderator's Orange Shirt Day message in English or français.

[Video still: The United Church of Canada/Moderator Carmen Lansdowne]

Duncan United Church’s Reconciliation Mural

A mural on the firewall next to the Duncan United Church

By David Vanderlinde, Unified Board Chair, Duncan United Church, BC.

In 2022, Duncan United Church received several grants, including one from the Justice and Reconciliation Fund to help support the Cowichan Intercultural Society in creating a mural on the firewall next to the church’s property. The images are significant to the Cowichan people, representing stories about their history and culture. They also represent the strong feelings of pain resulting from colonialism and the forced attendance of Indigenous peoples at residential institutions.

The sun is marked with teardrops to show the pain of the Cowichan people. Aspects of Cowichan life are shown in the three different canoes: one canoe for fishing and hunting, one canoe for travelling to other communities, and one canoe for relations with other nations. The orange footprints represent the multitude of children discovered in unmarked graves at residential institutions across the country.

A celebration and ceremony to honour the artist, Charlene Johnny, was held on July 29, 2023.  Duncan United Church learned that the history and traditions of the Cowichan Peoples, as told through their stories, are important to know in order to move forward together. The journey that we are embarking on for the future must include the lessons learned from the stories. Sometime in the fall there will be a plaque and QR codes available which will allow people to hear on their smart phones the stories depicted on the mural as told by the Cowichan Elders.

[Image credit: Duncan United Church]

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