Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Change.org Petition: Stopping the Supreme Court - Impeach The Supreme Court Justices Who Lied

In almost all of their confirmation hearings, the current Supreme Court justices said that they believed Roe v. Wade was a settled legal precedent. But petition starters like Rhonda believe that they lied. Clarence Thomas has already put the rights to gay marriage and contraceptives on notice. And now the court has even taken up a case that might let states decide to ignore the results of their federal elections. Sign Rhonda’s petition if you agree that something has to be done before it’s too late.

Impeach The Supreme Court Justices Who Lied

53,321 have signed Rhonda Wertz’s petition. Let’s get to 75,000!

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Justices Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, and Kavanaugh all proclaimed that Roe V Wade was settled law and precedence and said they would not overturn it. Coney-Barett was shoved through at the last minute and should also be removed from the court. The overturning of Roe has done immeasurable damage and will cost women their lives.  This is just the beginning. They won’t stop at Roe. Many other rights now have a target on them. We cannot allow them to take Constitutionally protected rights away from the American people. These justices lied under oath to get on the court. We call for their immediate impeachment and removal from the Supreme Court.

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