Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Change.org Petition: He was left to die - Demand Justice for Danny Santulli and Support The Anti Hazing Laws in Missouri

Last fall, brothers of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity at the University of Missouri left Danny Santulli to die. During a pledging event, Danny was force-fed beer and a liter of vodka. When he became unresponsive, no one took him to the hospital - leaving him blind and unable to walk or talk. Now, two fraternity members have been indicted. But John knows that’s not enough. John started his petition because he knows Danny deserves justice. He wants to see everyone responsible for this crime to be held responsible.

Demand Justice for Danny Santulli and Support The Anti Hazing Laws in Missouri

72,934 have signed John Heerhold’s petition. Let’s get to 75,000!

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Danny Santulli graduated High School in the spring of 2021 with dreams of going to college. He chose the University of Missouri because his older brother and sister were enrolled there and he wanted to be by family. Danny planned to follow in his brother Nick’s footsteps and enroll in Business School. Like so many kids entering college, Danny wanted to be part of Greek life, so he pledged Phi Gamma Delta, commonly known as Fiji.

Unbeknownst to Danny, Fiji was on double probation when he considered membership. On May 4th 2021 they were put on probation. Then they were put on probation for the second time October 6th, 2021. So after they were put on probation for the second time they planned this unsanctioned event. When you are on probation alcohol is prohibited at the fraternity house. Danny felt safe pledging the fraternity because he had friends in the fraternity. During pledge week, specifically the night of October 19th, Father/Son reveal night at the house. Danny’s life was forever altered. As a result of hazing, Danny had to be rushed to the hospital because his fraternity brothers (so called “fathers”) forced him to consume an entire bottle of vodka.  Danny stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. The fraternity brothers neglected to call 911 and get him proper medical attention. Danny had a blood alcohol level of .468. As a result, he is currently blind and in a wheelchair and needs constant round the clock care. He was put through a brutal initiation that you can see in the surveillance video, which was part of a story done by ABC’s Good Morning America.

Click Here to See Good Morning America Interview of the Santulli Family

As a parent of two Mizzou graduates and a current senior, this is appalling. Video of what happened to Danny, along with other evidence, was delivered to the prosecutor in December, yet no charges have been filed against those responsible. How can the University allow this to happen? How can the prosecutor continue to ignore Missouri anti hazing statue # 578.365? If you are a parent of a junior or senior in High School, would you feel safe sending your child to The University of Missouri if this is how they would be protected?

I am asking your support for Danny and the entire Santulli family to bring justice by charging those responsible with a felony in accordance with the statute. If Danny’s experience does not qualify as hazing, then they should just abolish the law. Please sign this petition asking the Boone County prosecutor to charge those responsible with a crime.

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