Monday, July 18, 2022 Petition: He wants to donate both kidneys - Two people need a rare kidney. One inmate will donate it. Approve his altruistic donation.

Out of the 106,000 people on the national transplant waiting list, 92,000 are waiting for a kidney. Ramiro Gonzales wants to donate both of his — but Texas wants to put him to death before he can. Ramiro is on death row for a murder he committed when he was barely 18. He wants to save a life for the one he took. Kim started her petition because she knows many people are in need of a kidney. Sign to tell Texas to allow Ramiro to donate his kidneys to save a life.

Two people need a rare kidney. One inmate will donate it. Approve his altruistic donation.

1,730 have signed Kim Stephenson’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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Texas Death Row inmate, Ramiro Gonzales, has a rare blood type and wants to donate his kidneys. Two potential matches have been found. They have been on waiting lists to find matches for years.

Gonzales is not asking for clemency. He is only asking to do this to help make amends for his crime before his death.

He was scheduled to be executed in Texas this Wednesday, July 13, 2022. He was granted a stay on Monday, July 11, on an unrelated appeal.

The medical center says the donation can be made in the next month.

Texas, please allow Ramiro Gonzales to donate his kidney and save a life for the one he took.

My stepfather, a career Naval Officer and Vietnam vet, is alive today because of kidney he received decades ago.

I have no connections to this case, but am compelled to act, after reading the article below, and time is of the essence.

Join me in asking Texas to allow Ramiro Gonzales to altruistically donate his kidney.

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