Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Change.org Petition: Indigenous remains found in Miami - Preserve Historic Land in Miami Brickell!

Human remains, animal remains, and ceremonial artifacts of the Tequesta Native American civilization were found by archeologists in Miami. But the land might be used by developers to build luxury high rises. Petition starter Martha is urging the city of Brickell in Miami to preserve this land and honor Native American history. Add your name to protect indigenous land from development.

Preserve Historic Land in Miami Brickell!

1,509 have signed Martha F’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the Tequesta Native American civilization, including human remains, animal remains and ceremonial artifacts, at the site of 444 Brickell, where Related Group developers are planning to build the Baccarat Towers. Brickell is currently overdeveloped, with no long-term strategy to mitigate the effects of construction. From sewage, water quality, pollution, and traffic, the development of this land will have catastrophic effects on the quality of life in Brickell.  To both preserve our precious history and guarantee a safer and healthier quality of life for future generations, we want to see this land designated as a site for historic preservation and turned into a green space, following the example of what was done with the Miami Circle. Please join us, and LET’S PRESERVE THIS LAND.

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