Monday, July 25, 2022 Petition: Racism at Sesame Place - Demand Sesame Place Hold Their Racist Employees Accountable

On Saturday, July 16th Jodi Brown and her family were outraged after experiencing racism at Sesame Place. In a video - that has now gone viral - a Sesame Street character is seen interacting with white children but refusing to interact with Jodi’s daughter and niece who are both Black. This was not an isolated incident. Others have shared videos of their Black children also being ignored by characters at Sesame Place. Add your name to support Jodi and urge Sesame Place to hold their employees accountable.

Demand Sesame Place Hold Their Racist Employees Accountable

3,479 have signed Tamika Mallory’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

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This petition was started to let SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment know that racial discrimination will not be tolerated at Sesame Place or their other theme parks. We demand that SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment take immediate action to remedy the problems caused when their racist employee ignored black children subjecting them to emotional trauma and embarrassment.

On Saturday, July 16th Jodi Brown, along with her family and friends, was left disappointed and outraged after experiencing racism in the worst kind of way at Sesame Place, a children’s theme and water park, located on the outskirts of Philadelphia.  Jodi’s daughter and niece, who are both of African American descent, received their first life lesson in RACISM! A video that was taken in anticipation of the 6-year-old girls being greeted by the character Rosita, turned into a video showing the “Sesame Street” character high-fiving and hugging white children but deliberately waving and saying “No!” to the African-American children when they reached out for high fives.

The video depiction clearly demonstrates not only the character’s verbal denial of the young girls by telling them “No,” but it is further demonstrated by an accompanying hand gesture, making it perfectly clear that the intention of the performer was to not engage with the young girls.

It was hoped that this was an accident and not racially motivated, however, a second video of another African-American child being ignored by Rosita has surfaced and strengthened our belief of racial discrimination. Rosita is seen in this video ignoring another African-American child and high-fiving and hugging white children.

  • Sesame Place needs to apologize to these young children.
  • Sesame Place needs to fire its racist employee.
  • Sesame Place needs to provide company-wide employee training on the emotional scarring of children.

Please sign our petition to let SeaWorld and Sesame Place know that racism will not be tolerated. 

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