Saturday, July 30, 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022 Petition: DoorDash, Stop Hiding Pay Information From Gig Workers

DoorDash hides pay information from their workers. When DoorDash delivery drivers select a trip, they cannot see the total amount they will be paid. While DoorDash knows how much the driver will make, drivers are left in the dark. The Drivers Rights Movement believes that DoorDash does this to boost their revenue and pass off losses to drivers. New York has already passed laws requiring pay transparency for gig workers. Sign the petition to demand pay transparency from DoorDash across all U.S. states.

Stop Hiding Pay Information From Gig Workers

13,295 have signed Drivers Rights Movement’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

Sign now with a click

DoorDash hides pay information from gig workers. 

This purposely makes it hard for Dashers to determine whether or not to take a trip. This is done to benefit DoorDash and convince drivers to take unprofitable trips. 

This is not right. Dashers should know what they will make, before taking a trip.

It goes against DoorDash’s obligations to its workers. You can’t classify workers as independent contractors but not honor the obligations that come with it. 


56% of a Dasher’s income is made from tips. Tips make the difference between a Dasher making or losing money on many trips!

DoorDash knows what the tip is on each trip. But they purposely hide this amount to convince drivers to take unprofitable trips. 

DoorDash was caught in 2019 taking tips from Dashers. This is their smarter attempt to continue doing so.

This isn’t fair to Dashers. This isn’t fair to customers who order food. 

For Dashers - this leads to unstable and unpredictable earnings, and creates a gambling mindset. And it’s just not right. 

For customers who order food - if you leave a good tip, a lot of the time the Dasher who is picking up your food does not know that you did. This leads to sub-par service for you. And means you are subsidizing unprofitable trips. 


You get a trip for 7.2 miles. You are offered $4 to complete it.

That doesn’t make any sense. But you believe that there is no way it could only be $4. 

In the past DoorDash has hidden the full amount so sometimes $4 means $8, or $12, or $17. 

You decide that it’s worth the gamble. You go to the restaurant, wait 20 minutes for the food to be ready. You drive 7.2 miles - that takes 20 minutes. And you have to drive back from far out - another 20 minutes. 

Total time spent: 60 minutes

Total gas used: 14.4 miles = 0.6 gallons = $2.75

It turns out that DoorDash hid part of the pay, the total pay is $5. 

After gas you made $2.25 in one hour.

And this doesn’t even count the depreciation on your car. 


This is not just to try and convince drivers to take unprofitable trips. DoorDash claims that it is to “make every trip worth taking”. 

What this means: there are many trips that don’t make sense for a driver to take. But DoorDash wants to accept these trips to boost their revenue. 

The problem is that they are doing this at the expense of the driver. 

If DoorDash wants to take unreasonable trips to boost their revenue, that is a business decision by them, and they should pay the cost. 

Not pass the cost on to workers by trying to trick them. 

There have been attempts to get drivers this information (including the Para app). DoorDash has gone out of their way to crush all these attempts. They have invested significant time and money to do so. This shows where they stand on this. 


New York City passed laws last year requiring food delivery apps to show 100% of the pay to drivers. 

DoorDash (and others) have complied, but only in New York. 

They are obviously able to run their business there while being honest and upfront. And the technical change to enable this has already been built. 

Gig workers in all states deserve to know what they will be paid. 

“When DoorDash tricks us into taking orders by making us think they pay more than they do, we end up losing money. Especially in the winter, when we are literally risking our lives to deliver food to people in the snow and ice, we need to know that the pay is worth the risk."- DoorDash Driver

"Every other job in this country tells people UP FRONT how much they will be compensated for their work. When you aren’t transparent with your contractors, it sends a message that you are up to something suspicious and not looking out for our best interests. "- DoorDash Driver


We demand that DoorDash offers pay transparency to all gig workers across all the states. 

Stop implementing opaque policies that benefit DoorDash, at the expense of workers. 

Gig workers are in charge of their work and should have all the information needed to make the right decision for themselves. 

Thank you for joining The Drivers Rights Movement! Please share to help us build momentum and ensure transparency for all DoorDash drivers across the United States. 


The Driver’s Rights Movement is a group led by Para and a collective of passionate gig workers, committed to a fairer and more equitable gig economy.

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - What would happen if we abandoned punishment?

Abolition: (noun) the action of abolishing a system, practice or institution. Abolition centers on getting rid of prisons, jails, police, courts and surveillance. Period.1
Recently I was in a local shop with my five year old child, and he picked up a small bowl made of cork. He very gently was exploring the bowl, and in doing so put some pressure at the edges to feel its softness and flexibility. It broke in half.

I walked up to the counter preparing myself to pay $25 for a pile of broken cork pieces, and laid our purchase down. The person working the counter said, "Hang on, let me go get my manager."

Laine walked up to the counter, squared her shoulders toward my son and looked kindly and directly at him (not me). She smiled and leaned over and said, "It's ok, we all make mistakes."

I encouraged my kiddo to offer appreciation for her grace and understanding, and that we hoped to see her soon.

I was so grateful that this adult was able to center her attention and the emotion on my kid (the one who "transgressed") and not bypass the tension of the moment. And I was grateful that attention and care were centered on humanity and not punishment. My kiddo (and I) learned a powerful lesson that day about what it feels like to make mistakes and be held in care in spite of them. I walked away so overwhelmed by the possibility of a world that could be built if we practiced this kind of care and accountability instead of punishment. What would happen if we were able to truly see one another in our mistakes and extend grace, care and support for accountability in return?

Practicing abolition requires our attention in the smallest and the biggest of our mistakes. We practice in these micro moments for the sake of being able to also choose this kind of deep care in moments when it feels like much more is at stake, when transgressions have been much more painful.

Presbys for Abolition have been exploring how to be in practice in our personal lives as we also maintain public action. We were really excited to connect with so many people at our recent evening of art and testimony!

We hope you will join us for our next conversation about how to practice abolition in our churches, our lives and the world. We will gather on: Wed., August 3rd at 8:00pm ET on Zoom. Let us know you are coming.

We are eager to learn alongside you!

Lucy Waechter Webb
with Presbys for Abolition
1.12 Steps to Changing Yourself and the World: An Abolitionists Handbook by, Patrisse Cullors, p. 6.

Image Credit: Roger Peet"I made this blockprint while in Medellín, Colombia, after visiting the Museum of Peace. This small but powerful museum documents the intense history of Colombia’s civil conflict, so much of which was the result of a terrible need to punish people for their ideas, or just who they are. I think it’s relevant to the contemporary abolitionist movement in the US as well- we need to figure out better ways to deal with each other than just punishing each other into the ground."

Thursday, July 28, 2022 Petition: Tesla Superchargers and Plugs should be the U​.​S. standard for EVs

The US is making huge strides toward making electric cars available for everyone. But out-of-date charging stations could ruin everything. The US standard charging ports are already old and inefficient, making it risky to drive knowing you might not be able to charge back up. Chris and Steve started a petition because they know Tesla is already making charging stations that conserve energy and could save millions of dollars. They want the Tesla superchargers to become the US standard for electric vehicles. Sign if you agree.

Congress: Tesla Superchargers and Plugs should be the U​.​S. standard for EVs

24,126 have signed Chris Anthony and Steve Fambro’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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While electric vehicle technology has rapidly advanced, the charging standard in the U.S. has not. CCS and SAE J1772, the US’s common standards, are clunky, cumbersome, and expensive.

A recent study showed Tesla Superchargers provide the best EV charging experience. The connector is easier to use, the port is small, convenient, and universal for AC or DC Fast Charging.  

Imagine if every electric vehicle could utilize Tesla’s lightweight, incredibly efficient, elegant connector?  

As the founders of Aptera, EV enthusiasts, and vehicle charging experts, we believe the U.S. government should adopt Tesla’s Supercharger Technology as the standard for ALL EV charging in the U.S. 

A Texas program recently disclosed that installing a Supercharger station costs just one-fifth of other networks.  Given the significant amount of funding our government will put into charging infrastructure, we believe that fast charging stations across the U.S. should be based on Tesla’s standards. 

If our country began to support Tesla’s charging standards now, we could begin expanding our infrastructure at a much reduced cost, saving $4 billion dollars on projected charging infrastructure spending through 2027. Imagine what other EV programs we could support with that $4 billion in savings! 

If you agree that Tesla’s charging standards are good for EVs and the U.S., please help. Sign this petition and encourage decision-makers in Congress to adopt Tesla’s charging standards and connectors as the U.S. industry standard. With Washington D.C.’s goal for 50% of car sales to be electric by 2030, our country needs to adopt Tesla Supercharger and Plug standards before another dollar is wasted on inferior technology.

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At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

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Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘Covid-19 did not discriminate, but we did’

Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘Covid-19 did not ...: Poor People’s Campaign report maps the intersections of poverty, race and Covid July 28,  2022 The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Associate Director o...

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Support LGBTQIA+ Human Rights - Urge Congress to Support the Globe Act

Global campaigns supporting human rights for members of the LGBTQIA+ community have made tremendous progress in recent years, specifically regarding marriage equality. However, in many countries, LGBTQIA+ people still face discrimination, repression, and abuse. For example, more than one-third of United Nations Member States criminalize same-sex relations, and various reports have documented hostility towards LGBTQIA+ people in every region of the world. 

Support LGBTQIA+ Human Rights - Urge Congress to Support the Globe Act

To help address these global human rights abuses, a bipartisan group of senators and representatives introduced the “GLOBE Act” (H.R.3800 and S.1996) in Congress. The bill would build a framework for protecting international LGBTQIA+ human rights into U.S. diplomacy. The bill creates an interagency group to respond to threats to LGBTQIA+ people in foreign countries. It also establishes a permanent Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI Peoples in the Department of State. The position of Special Envoy has been filled in the past, but the GLOBE Act would codify it into law.  

Additionally, the legislation, if passed, would establish LGBTQIA+ identities as a social group for purposes related to claiming asylum. This new classification would allow LGBTQIA+ individuals fleeing anti-LGBTQIA+ persecution to seek refuge in the United States. Lastly, the bill would enact a non-discrimination policy in all U.S. foreign assistance programs to ensure that they are inclusive of LGBTQIA+ people.  

Support LGBTQIA+ Human Rights - Urge Congress to Support the Globe Act

The United States must be a leader in the fight for international LGBTQIA+ human rights. Please urge your members of Congress to support the GLOBE Act!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022 Petition: Keep Same Sex Marriage Legal!

After striking down Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called for overturning the 2015 court case that required all states to recognize same-sex marriages. Gay couples across the country are worried that they’ll be left without the legal protections of a marriage if the Supreme Court takes away their rights. Now the House of Representatives is proposing the Respect for Marriage Act. Charles wants the Senate to get on board. Add your name to tell Congress that it’s time to pass legislation to protect marriage equality.

Keep Same Sex Marriage Legal!

2,007 have signed Charles Lawrence’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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They won’t stop at Women’s rights, they said they’re coming for ours next! I did not spend my entire life unhappy to finally find someone I love just to not be able to marry them like every other human being is able to! 

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At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

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Tell Congress: Heal Not Harm, End Title 42!

The sacred texts and traditions of our faith seek and promote healing and wholeness, and call us to do everything possible to reduce suffering and harm.  Yet despite our faith values, our current U.S. asylum policies have turned away from healing, and instead are compounding traumas. 

Did you know that the pandemic is still being used as justification for refusing, detaining, and expelling asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border?

Instituted first by the Trump Administration in 2020 at the U.S.- Mexico border, Title 42 itself has sowed chaos at the border and has resulted in over 1.7 million expulsions of asylum seekers back to harm. Many migrants have faced violence and even lost their lives due to this policy, with Black asylum-seekers—especially Haitians—being particularly vulnerable.

Tell Congress: Heal Not Harm, End Title 42!

Right now, anti-immigrant politicians are working to ensure that Title 42 continues to control migration and restrict asylum by pushing amendments supporting the policy through Congress. As people of faith and conscience, this is a vital time to let our leaders know that we reject these amendments and all legislation that would codify Title 42 into law.

Now is the time to raise your voice to condemn anti-asylum policies and the trauma they inflict and urge the government to invest in humanely welcoming migrants and asylum seekers. 

Contact your members of Congress today!

Tell Congress: Heal Not Harm, End Title 42!

For more background information, watch this webinar from the Interfaith Immigration Coalition.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - We are saving lives!

Nearly 1,000 Guns Dismantled June 11
Guns to Gardens: Forging and AK -47 into a Gardening Tool

We are gaining momentum, and we're just getting started! On June 11, PPF was part of a nationwide coalition for a National Guns to Gardens Day. Local communities from Ohio to Utah to Connecticut gathered to dismantle guns using simple chop saws.
Approximately 1,000 guns were dismantled on June 11, 2022, many of which were AR-15's.

Rev. Harry Eberts, one of the PPF Peaceseeker Award recipients at this year's Peace Breakfast said, "We had a fantastic day in Albuquerque. Cars were lined up down the street for almost two hours straight. We held it at a Presbyterian Church parking lot, and it worked out wonderfully. We received 240 guns and when we ran out of gift cards people just gave us the guns. Just wanted to get rid of them." 

Guns dismantled on June 11:
  • Albuquerque, NM - 240
  • Aurora, CO - 111
  • Bridgeport, CT - 22
  • Columbus, OH - 14
  • Euclid, OH - 40
  • Madison, WI - 29
  • New Haven, CT - 66
  • Oakland, CA - 131
  • Sandy, UT - 36
  • Worcester, MA - 26
  • plus hundreds more across 10 locations in Maine.

There are many reasons that someone would surrender a gun. There may be conflict, illness or a crisis in a family. Older hunters and gun collectors may no longer feel that they can safely handle guns. Or they may have children and teenagers visiting in the home. Or law enforcement may have returned a gun to a family after their loved one used it in a suicide. The church is equipped to accompany gun owners through the safe surrender process. For the church to help turn guns into garden tools can provide hope and healing to communities that have been traumatized by gun violence.

Pina, the founder of Swords to Plowshares NE said, "We were able to capture such great stories from participants.  It is clear we are doing God’s work!! So proud to be a part of this amazing team!!"

Join this amazing network of churches that are dismantling unwanted guns and help save lives!

We have two cohorts of Guns to Gardens Action Circles starting August 18, an evening cohort and a midday cohort. They are one hour weekly sessions for six weeks and will train you and your congregations to be ready to host your first Guns to Gardens event. Training covers safe chop saw procedures, publicity, pastoral care, gift card options and best practices learned from prior Guns to Gardens congregations.

The next national Guns to Gardens day is under discussion for the days surrounding the 10th memorial of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in early December. Be ready to join us!

Rev. Deanna Hollas
PPF Gun Violence Prevention Coordinator

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

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